Ok, this will be a short one...but, I had to express my feelings about this incident. Today, I played basketball with 5 of the other cast members...we were all having a great time playing. And after the 2nd game (of course, we won both games), this supervisor guy from the university that we were playing at....asked me if I was a translator for the cast. I said no, I'm also an actress. Then he said....you're an actress? But, you're too fat to be an actress!!!! I was sooo upset at his comment....I grabbed seth and stormed out....the others followed me and later one I heard that they yelled at the guy for saying such things....though he probably had no idea what they were saying or why we even left....I am just soooo completely sick of people telling me that I'm fat...It's driving me crazy!!!! I think I really really have to leave Asia.....after next years hopeful projects....I'm going to finally leave..and try my luck in the West End or on Broadway...I'm through with feeling like a big whale....all I can think of when the locals look at me is....are they looking at me because I'm fat? It's such an awful feeling...and I thought it would go away once I got to China...but, I guess I was wrong. I think it just means that I'm not meant to be in Asia....I'm much happier being around Westernized people...I feel prettier and more appreciated for my curves. Anyways....I'm going to have to lose some weight now before I go back to HK...otherwise, I know I'm going to get a lot of (excuse my very seldom swear words) shit for my weight...I can feel it!!!