演员, 歌手, 舞蹈家
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the competition begins

First of all, reading all of your comments really put a smile to my face. Thank you all for your kindness and God bless!!!  Man, Bob!  Who knew you’d quote the Bible!  Hahaha….it’s nice to get feedback from people that I know and from all you new people who I’ve never actually met…thank you thank you…it means the world to me.  

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  This blog has really been a therapeutic escape for me.  I enjoy expressing my deepest thoughts and sharing it all with you guys.  I think I’ll need this escape even more now that the competition is in affect.  I’m here in this strange new world…about an hr and a half drive away from prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /Shanghai.  This place is like a movie set to me…almost like “Hun Dian” for all you actors out there.  It’s interesting living in this place…..at night it’s actually quite beautiful.  It reminds me of watching movies about Venice where there are small boats that go around a lake that surrounds a small village….with the lights reflecting off of the water and little bridges that cross over to the other side.  I wish I knew how to put the photo up with my blog but I’m still retarded in this way…so….I might just put it under the photos part of my site.  So far, I’ve been here for 2 nights and one full day.  Yesterday was quite boring…I didn’t really know what to do with myself.  The food isn’t that appealing and I haven’t really had much of an appetite lately…so, that’s good…at least I don’t feel hungry.  I rehearsed my first competition song…checked email..and just didn’t really know what to do with myself.  I did meet a friend and hung out with him last night.  Most people who know me well know that I’m not a very social person.  It takes me awhile to warm up to people.  So…this is me trying to adapt to my environment and trying to meet people….


My performance date was supposed to be today but they changed it to tomorrow to give me more time.  That means I’ll be the last group out of the 400 contestants.  And they will narrow it down to 100 by the 15 th.  I still have to find out how you guys can watch!  So, as soon as I find out I’ll let you know.  I may have mentioned this already but I think you can vote or write things to me throughwww.baidu.comandwww.tudou.com I think you just look under Marsha Yuan or my Chinese name.  Thanks!  


So..this morning I rehearsed my first song which will be “All That Jazz”.  I figured that since this song will be very important..first impression and all…I’d have to choose one of my strongest songs……I’ll have to sing the Chinese songs later to let them know that I can still sing in mandarin…But, thank you all for your wonderful suggestions for songs.  I have already started to look into those.  And…most of the mandarin songs that I know how to sing already are A-Mei songs!  Funny that so many people suggested her! Anyways…wish me luck!!!  

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ah, looks like you figured out the pictures. It looks really nice there. good luck in the performance tomorrow, we're all pulling for you.
大约 17 年 ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
I saw the Jinan performance. You did a great job! Good luck on tomorrow's audition. BTW, I think pat and/or myself will be in shanghai either next weekend or the weekend after. If you're done with the show let us know and we can meet up for some Ding Tai Fung or something. ^__^
大约 17 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007