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Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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the biggest idiot

Catchy title, eh?  Well...I'm the biggest idiot!  Last night I got back from HK and my father's driver picked me up from the airport.  Before I got to the hotel where all of us contestants are staying at....I stopped by my new apartment to drop off a few things so that my suitcase would be lighter. I also got a phone call saying that I had to prepare a song for the next days function.  I was listening to possible songs on my ipod during the trip from my apartment to the hotel when the car started to have problems.  We were so close!  I ended up having to get out of the car and hopped into a taxi.  When I was in the car I realized my phone was gone and started to pray that I had left it at my apartment....when I arrived at the hotel I paid with the swipe card and then got out.  Suddenly, I realized my suitcase wasn't in my hand and when I turned around there was no taxi there anymore....I quickly got into another taxi hoping to catch him...but, I didn't even remember what color car it was!!!   We've already made a report and it's almost 24 hrs from when it happened but nobody has turned in my suitcase.  NO...I didn't take the receipt when I was leaving the car....NO I don't remember which company this taxi was from...NO I don't remember what color it was.....all pointless things to ask me...all comments I get from people who find out about it...but, it doesn't help me when they ask me these things..and say..."you sould have this or that"...because the time already passed...and I can't go back in time and redo it!!!!  It only makes me more furstrated to hear these comments...and it's making me sooo grumpy...sure.....it's just all new clothes I bought, all new face products, contacts, a few copies of the book that Harry and I published, some DVD's, my make up bag.....etc....but...I really love that suitcase..and replacing make up isn't that simple!  Oh!!!  It's so frustrating!!!  So....comments like...luckily there was't anything expensive in there.....it doesn't help...because no matter what...I'm still the idiot who left it in there!!!  And that just makes me feel so.....what's the word....feel like screaming!!!  I don't know what is with me and losing things.....oh..and pls don't tell me...well...at least you'll learn to be careful next time....because it's happened so many times but I still don't learn!!!! OK!!!!  I better stop...I'm too moody now.....Catchy title, eh?  Well...I'm the biggest idiot!昨天晚上我從香港回到上海,我爸爸公司的司機到飛機場來接我,我回我們選手們住的旅館之前,為了減輕我的行李,,我把幾樣東西放回我上海的家中,這時我們的生活老師打了個電話給我,讓我馬上回去準備下個星期活動的歌曲,所以在回旅館的路上,我一邊聽我的隨身聽,我都差不多回到旅館了,怎麼知道我爸爸公司那輛車子突然死火,我只有把行李搬到另一輛出租車,這時我突然發現電話留在家裡了,所以我匆匆忙忙刷了卡下車,當我發現我忘了把行李拿下車時,那輛出租車已經無影無了,我馬上攔下另一輛出租車去追那輛車,但是…我基本上連那輛出租車是什麼顏色都模糊不清!!! prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /我們已經備了案,但是二十四小時過去了,仍然不見任何人把我的行李…每一個人重复問我相同的問題,我的答案是“….我下車並沒有拿收據….我也不記得坐的是那一家公司的出租車….甚至於連那輛出租車是什麼顏色也記不得…”  這些問題再問答案都是一樣,已經毫無作用了,這個時候再告訴我,我應該這樣應該那樣又有什麼用呢?因為不管怎麼樣都已經太遲了,我不可能讓時間倒流,只會讓我更加難過…  盡管沒什麼貴重的東西,我在香港買了幾件新衣服,我這次回香港也添了護膚用品,還有隱形眼鏡,還有幾本我和我弟弟Harry剛出爐的那本新書,還有一些DVD,還有我那隻化裝包…尤其讓我心痛的是那隻行李箱,我現在得重新買我的化裝品,這可是件傷腦筋的事…這足以讓我懊惱….就算你安慰我說,“…幸虧沒什麼值錢的東西…”也不會讓我覺得好受一些,因為是我糊塗忘了把行李拿下來,我都不知道該用什麼字來形容我的心情,我這時只是想大叫…不用對我說,你可以得到一個教訓,下次你該小心一點了吧….沒用!!!我已經有過很多次“教訓”但是我仍然學不會,我仍然那麼不小心!!!!....我不能再寫下去了…我心情實在遭透了…


almost 17 years ago 0 likes  18 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
doh! i just had a weird premonition about this today when i was getting out of a taxi in a hurry... as i was walking away I was like 'wait, do i have my bag with me? if i didn't i would be totally screwed.'
almost 17 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
I know what you mean. Sometimes I have people telling me things after-the-fact that I already KNOW I should have done. And I'm thinking inside "Well, DUH! Obviously i KNOW that ..and yeah . I didn't DO it .. but you telling me the obvious is just pissing me off so I wish you'd be quiet and let me wallow in the fact that I did something dumb." but instead I say "Yeah .. I know. I should do that". Freaking super frustrating. Telling someone what they SHOULD have done after they didn't do it by mistake is just like pouring lemon juice in a wound. It doesn't help anything, y'know?
almost 17 years ago
Photo 23478
how about, shit, that f*cking sucks big elephant balls! i'm so sorry marsh....
almost 17 years ago


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