Wow...I haven't been too good about blogging. Well..last week I went to Japan to teach a workshop and get certified as an instructor. I was pretty nervous since Ania told me that the students were expecting me to teach something more Cabaret/Broadway style. I prepared a very soulful/lyrical dance that was completely NOT Broadway style. So, I had 1 hr to change it the night before!!! I was really stressed about it..but, it turned out really fun for both me and the students. I made a routine that was half fosse and half pole to the music "All That Jazz"! The girls had so much fun and I eve made them sing!!! There was also a language barrier but I think they all understood my extreme body gestures.
The rest of the trip was really fun spending time with Ania and eating lots of yummy food!!! Most of my photos are actually taken of food!!! hahaha...I also got to visit my very close friend Motoko while I was felt like the trip was a little short....hmmm..maybe I need to go back again!
哦, 我好久都沒有寫我的博客了。
上個星期我去了一次日本, 參加了一個給鋼管舞教師的workshop, 同時去拿我的教師文憑。
自從Ania跟我說, 學生們希望我能教他們一些百老匯型式的舞蹈,我就開始有點緊張。 因為我已經準備了教材,但是不是什麼百老匯的型式, 最後我只有在離開前的一晚,花了整整一個小時,改編了我的教材, 這令我感到很有壓力..但是, 沒想到因此我和我的學生跳的很興奮。
我編了一段舞,一半是fosse,一半是鋼管舞,用的音樂是" All That Jazz"!那些女孩子都跳的很興奮,我還讓她們一遍跳一遍唱, 雖然我們之間的語言不是很通, 但是我想她們還是能了解我的肢體語言。
除了上課以外,我們和Ania在日本也玩得很高興, 吃了很多好吃的日本料理,哈哈哈... 當然我也趁此機會去探訪了我那個在日本的好朋友Motoko.. .只可惜的是開心的時候時間就顯得特別短.... 或許我應該再回去玩一次!
上課之前的暖身運動 warming at the beginning of class
The demo of the routine I was teaching
所有的 fosse pose
total fosse pose right here
Melodie (另一位鋼管舞的教師my friend and other instructor) , Ania (我的鋼管舞老師my
teacher), me(我)和(LU) and Lu (舞蹈教室的老闆the
owner of the studio)
Melodie (my friend and other instructor) , Ania (my teacher), me and Lu (the owner of the studio)
I loved the lights in this really nice restaurant we went to
這裡的食物又新鮮,又好,尤其是他們的擺設, 令我情不自禁拍了很多食物的照片 I couldn't help but take mostly food shots on this trip...the food is just too amazing there!! The freshness, the quality and presentation!!!
this is of my closest friends from high school...we played Vball together