Official Artist
Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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fighting for the 8 spots | 為8個晉級名額而戰 | 为8个晋级名额而战

For some reason,  it seems like awhile since I wrote in my blog..but really it has only been a few days.  Anyways....so, today they called out the names of the 25 contestants who will be able to compete this coming Fri to fight for the last 8 spots of the top 40.  Just an hr or 2 ago 43 contestants were sent home.  It was pretty harsh...they made all of us pack up our bags in case we didn't get called....and whoever wasn't called for the 25 had to get on the bus right then and there.  So...now there is only 57 of us left in this camp.  And thank goodness!  After Fri everyone will be able to get out of this camp. 

I've decided that no matter how out of place and a lot of other things that I feel.......I'm going to just sing my song...and do the best that I can.  I know that I'm better than this show and I know what my objective is....so....I'm feeling much better now.  In the end, if they don't want me....it's not because of me....it's because I'm just not what they are looking for...and that is definitely THEIR loss!  haha 

Thank you so much for all of your words of encouragement.  All the wonderful advice and comments that I have gotten from you guys has all made sense to me...I mean, I already knew these things....it does help to have others repeat them though...because sometimes pride and anger can really be a distraction and eat away at any motivation or positive thoughts....God bless!繁體中文:


我決定了,無論怎麼格格不入或者很多事情不開心…我還是要繼續唱我的歌…而且要做到最好!我知道我比這個比賽好,也知道我的目標所在…所以…現在感覺好多了。到最後如果他們還是淘汰我…那不是我的原因…是因為我不是他們要找的人…並且絕對是 他們的損失!哈哈。




我决定了,无论怎么格格不入或者很多事情不开心…我还是要继续唱我的歌…而且要做到最好!我知道我比这个比赛好,也知道我的目标所在…所以…现在感觉好多了。到最后如果他们还是淘汰我…那不是我的原因…是因为我不是他们要找的人…并且绝对是 他们的损失!哈哈。

非常感谢你们给我所有鼓励的留言,这些好建议和留言对我来说很重要 …其实我都清楚 …但有其他人再次告诉我还是很有用 …有时骄傲和愤怒会损害乐观积极的精神 …上帝保佑!

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
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you're already a winner! jia you! 加油!
almost 17 years ago
Photo 24183
Dear Marsha, Thank God that you are feeling so sensible and positive! You know what, as a director/writer trying to obtain the funding to make your movie, it can be just as disheartening as going through a competition... but I believe that since it is tough, the only way to succeed is not to give up regardless of any short term challenge. P.S. - The Swiss jazz band will come to Shanghai in Sept. They would like to meet with you, will you be in HK or Shanghai at that time?
almost 17 years ago


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