Official Artist
Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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Enjoy a Show and Help Those In Need!!!

So...this is the 5th year that we are doing Musical Moments.  This year our cast has 2 new comers.  They are both male "guai Lou's" and they have performed before in the West End and Broadway.  They both have amazing voices!!! And, of course, this year our dear friend, Joanna, has come back to share the stage with us....Jo, is performing in the West End right now in a show called "Ave Q".  She took this time off just to perform with us. The event is a musical theater concert and charity for the Lifeline Express organization....the proceeds will help those in need to get cataract surgery for their eyes...I've visited the hospital train before and it is just amazing what these doctors are doing for these people...So, please come and support the event....we will be singing all of the popular songs that most people know....who know musicals....This year, I have a very challenging song...but, I'm really excited about it....don't miss it!!!  It's this coming Sunday, Oct 4th at 7:45pm at the Cultural Centre, Concert Hall in TST!!!

“ Musical Moments”這個節目已經是第五個年頭, 今年我們將會有兩位新的男歌手加入, 而且他們倆都曾在美國百老匯以及英國“ West End”表演過,他們倆個都有著很棒的嗓子。 當然少不了還有我們最親密戰友Joanna再一次和我們同台演出 。Joanna現時正在英國倫敦的“West End”參加 "Ave Q"的演出,她可是請了假趕回來參加“ Musical Moments”的演出。這些年來“ Musical Moments”都是為了“生命列車”慈善基金會作籌款演出, 用來幫助那些白內障的病人們進行開刀手續...我曾經去參觀“ 生命列車”,親眼看到看到那位醫生, 如何神奇地開刀治好他的病人們...單單為了支持他們,你也應該來看我們的演出....我們將會唱大家都熟悉的歌曲.... 當然我指的是那些熟悉音樂劇的朋友們.... 今年我有機會為大家唱一首難度非常高的曲子... 我有點迫不及待....千萬不要錯過!!! 時間是這個星期天,十月四日,晚上 7:45pm在九龍尖沙嘴,文化中心的音樂廳到時見!!!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
great ... i wish i could be there !!!
over 15 years ago


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