演员, 歌手, 舞蹈家
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Wow....I just read the blog that I wrote about being angry with the competition.  I usually write things in the moment that I'm feeling those feelings...and I can completely forget what I wrote about after a few days.  Anyways, ...Yesterday a reporter called me (which upset me because I don't like reporters knowing my phone number...and I hope he won't pass my number around..hint hint! ) He asked me about my blog.  Apparently, more people are reading my blogs than I thought.  I'm sure this reporter is reading this very blog....anyways...it doesn't really matter to me because I write in this blog to express each feeling that I have at the moment that I feel it.  I don't have anything to hide.  That is the whole reason for these blogs.  To me, emotions are ever changing.  You can feel one way at this moment..but then, the next moment you feel completely different.  I write about my true feelings...I don't try to make myself sound better or become a different person.  I write what is in my heart.  This blog is important to me because it helps me write about things that are going on in my life.  And it helps me express things that sometimes I can't express unless I write it out for myself.  It's nice to know that so many people are interested in reading what I write....so, I won't try to write things that will make me "seem" like a good person.  Everyone has good and bad thoughts.....negative and positive...I'm a real person who does't like to lie....so....there!    

   Ok, getting that out of the way.....I finally have some pretty cool friends from this competition...I haven't even taken any photos with them...so, I'll have to do that as soon as I can. We have been hanging out a lot more since we moved to the hotel.  Their names are Vivi and Joy.  I don't really call them by their Chinese name.  They are both exceptional singers and very good people.  The first time I heard Joy sing I was immediately her fan!  She has one of those diva mama voices!  And Vivi is only 18 but she can already write her own songs!

   Anyways....things are much better now that I'm finally getting to know people better.  As most people know, it takes me a long time to feel comfortable with new friends.  In Chinese we would say "re man" (hot slow?) hahaha....so, we are actually putting together an act.  Joy and Vivi are in my group along with another girl named Angel.  I have no idea what her chinese name is.  Everyone seems to think that they should give me their english name to remember...which is probably true.  And it's fun for me to help them when they need help with their English.  It makes me feel so useful when they want to learn from me. So, today we had 2 classes.  One was a dance class and the other was a singing class.  It was fun to learn some things.  The dance class was a little slow.  When I say slow...I mean the dance itself was very slow....AND we learned it very slow.  I think the amount of steps that we learned today I would have learned in 5 min of class at studiodanz (my dance studio in HK)...so, in order to make the most of it, I told myself that this wasn't about learning new steps...instead it was more of a review for me....and a way to find my alignment and concentrate on the feeling the movements. 

     As for the singing class.  The teacher was a lot of fun. I ended up singing "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Mis....and purposely chose that song because I wanted the others to hear something they never heard before.  The teacher thought that my performance was good because he felt that even though it was in English people could understand what I was singing because of the emotion that I put into the song..but...he still threw out the fact that nobody knew the song so it wasn't a good choice.  It's very frustrating when people tell me this...I know where they are coming from...but...I want so much to let these people hear other things besides the things they've already heard.  I think that this is one of my goals.  I want people to appreciate the music that I love.  If I could get people to listen to music that they have never heard before....and get them to love that music...I think that is an accomplishment. I know that I'm going to have to sing more familiar songs in order to get far in this competition...but...I think that once I can get to a certain point....I might start to sing songs that I love in hopes that they will want to hear them too.  When I sang "All That Jazz" I think that about 80% of the people have never heard it before.  The only reason why it passed is because it's a much faster song and it has a little bit of dance...now, I'll catch some of the contestants singing that one line..."all that Jazz" and it makes me smile to know that I brought this song to them......繁體中文:哇…我剛才重讀我自已寫的那篇我對比賽有多生氣的文章…其實那只是我當時的感覺,寫完了以後我也就忘了,沒想到昨天有一個記者給我打電話(說真的,我真的很不喜歡讓記者們知道我的電話號碼,拜托他千萬不要把我的號碼再傳給別人了). 我問起我的博客,說實在我很高興知道居然有很多人讀它,我相信這位記者讀到的正好就是那篇文章,其實無所謂,我沒什麼要隱瞞的,那的確是我當時的感覺,這是我的日誌,代表我那一分鐘的感受,我認為人的感覺會不斷在改變的,這分鐘你是這樣,下一分鐘可能完全相反了,而我記載下來的,正是我這一分鐘最真實的感受,我並沒有試圖去偽造自已變成另一個人,我完完全全把自已心裡想的寫出來,這個屬於我的博客記載我生命的每一刻,我寫出了我平時無法用言語表達的各種感受,我很高興知道那麼多人願意讀我寫的博客,所以我更不願意加油添醬把自已形容成一個偉人,每一個真實的人都會有好的壞的念頭,也同樣有時積極,有時消極,我就是這樣一個真實的,不願意說謊的人…




我們接下來我們要組成小組排練小品, Joy 和 Vivi 還有一個叫 Angel的,我們四個人是一組,我也不知道Angel的中文名字是什麼,或許每個人都認為,告訴我他們的英文名字,我會比較容易記住,我不否認這也是個事實,我特別高興能教他們說英文,頓時讓我覺得自已還滿有用的。還有一點讓我很興奮的是,今天我們上了二堂課,一堂是唱歌課,另一堂是舞蹈課,舞蹈課有一點慢,我的意思是那舞蹈動作很慢,我們也學得很慢,我們整堂課學的動作,在香港studiodanz那裡我們最多花五分鐘就學會了,所以我告訴自已,我並不在學新的動作,只是在复習我學過的東西,怎麼樣可以把情感運用在這些動作中…

相對而論,那個唱歌老師教的課有趣多了,在課堂中我唱了"I Dreamed a Dream" 是音樂劇 [Les Mis....]的主題曲,我特為選這首歌是因為想讓更多沒聽過這首歌的人感受一下音樂劇,那老師認為我唱得很好,很有感情,因為他認為就算是不懂英文的人都能明白我在唱什麼,但是他仍然認為對觀眾來說,這首歌太陌生了,不應該用這歌來參加比賽,我明知道他這樣說法是對的,但我每一次聽別人這樣說都會很失望,我希望能把我心愛的,更多,更好,他們從來沒有聽過的歌曲帶給大家,我希望有一天他們都能欣賞這些歌曲…但是…現在我得唱一些大家所熟習的歌曲,我才能有機會擠進名次,才能在這次比賽中走得更遠一些,不過到了某一階段,我一定會唱我自已喜歡的歌,我希望所有的人有一天都會喜歡這些歌。當我這回唱"All That Jazz"時,我想有80% 的人從來沒聽過這首歌,他們之所以還可以接受,是因為這首歌的節奏比較輕快,而且我還加了一點舞蹈,我很高興見到,居然有一些比賽者也會學我唱那一句. "All That Jazz"



哇… 我刚才重读我自已写的那篇我对比赛有多生气的文章…其实那只是我当时的感觉, 写完了以后我也就忘了,没想到昨天有一个记者给我打电话(说真的,我真的很不喜欢让记者们知道我的电话号码, 拜托他千万不要把我的号码再传给别人了). 我问起我的博客,说实在我很高兴知道居然有很多人读它,我相信这位记者读到的正好就是那篇文章, 其实无所谓,我没什么要隐瞒的,那的确是我当时的感觉,这是我的日志,代表我那一分钟的感受,我认为人的感觉会不断在改变的,这分钟你是这样, 下一分钟可能完全相反了,而我记载下来的,正是我这一分钟最真实的感受,我并没有试图去伪造自已变成另一个人,我完完全全把自已心里想的写出来,这个属于我的博客记载我生命的每一刻,我写出了我平时无法用言语表达的各种感受, 我很高兴知道那么多人愿意读我写的博客,所以我更不愿意加油添酱把自已形容成一个伟人,每一个真实的人都会有好的坏的念头,也同样有时积极,有时消极,我就是这样一个真实的,不愿意说谎的人…

接下来我要说的是,我在这场比赛中,终于找到几个志同道合的朋友,但是我还没来得及跟他们一起拍几张小照,但是我答应你们,我会尽快拍的… 自从我们从坞镇搬到上海以后,我们三个常聚在一块,她们的名字是Vivi和Joy,我就是这样称呼她们的,反而不记得她们中文名字,她们俩都唱得很好,人也非常好,你或许不相信,我第一次听Joy唱歌,我已经成了她的粉丝了,她天生一付好嗓子, 然而才十八岁的Vivi已经能自已写歌曲了…

我想告诉大家的是,我现在感觉好多了, 我也开始和大家相处得比较好了,或许是因为我是属于"慢热"型的人,须要很长的时间相处才能交到朋友,哈哈哈… 我们接下来我们要组成小组排练小品, Joy 和 Vivi 还有一个叫 Angel的,我们四个人是一组, 我也不知道Angel的中文名字是什么,或许每个人都认为,告诉我他们的英文名字,我会比较容易记住,我不否认这也是个事实,我特别高兴能教他们说英文, 顿时让我觉得自已还满有用的。还有一点让我很兴奋的是,今天我们上了二堂课,一堂是唱歌课,另一堂是舞蹈课,舞蹈课有一点慢,我的意思是那舞蹈动作很慢,我们也学得很慢,我们整堂课学的动作,在香港studiodanz那里我们最多花五分钟就学会了,所以我告诉自已,我并不在学新的动作,只是在复习我学过的东西,怎么样可以把情感运用在这些动作中…

相对而论,那个唱歌老师教的课有趣多了, 在课堂中我唱了"I Dreamed a Dream" 是音乐剧 [Les Mis....]的 主题曲,我特为选这首歌是因为想让更多没听过这首歌的人感受一下音乐剧,那老师认为我唱得很好,很有感情,因为他认为就算是不懂英文的人都能明白我在唱什么,但是他仍然认为对观众来说,这首歌太陌生了,不应该用这歌来参加比赛,我明知道他这样说法是对的,但我每一次听别人这样说都会很失望,我希望能把我心爱的,更多,更好,他们从来没有听过的歌曲带给大家,我希望有一天他们都能欣赏这些歌曲…但是… 现在我得唱一些大家所熟习的歌曲,我才能有机会挤进名次,才能在这次比赛中走得更远一些,不过到了某一阶段,我一定会唱我自已喜欢的歌, 我希望所有的人有一天都会喜欢这些歌。 当我这回唱"All That Jazz"时,我想有80% 的人从来没听过这首歌, 他们之所以还可以接受,是因为这首歌的节奏比较轻快,而且我还加了一点舞蹈,我很高兴见到,居然有一些比赛者也会学我唱那一句. "All That Jazz"

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow another great blog. thanks for sharing the 'real deal' with us! re: song recognition: i recommend you sing only the theme song to Titanic that horrible, horible 'Take Me To Your Heart' or 'Yesterday Once More' for the sake of the judges and the audience members... ;-)
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 23478
hey sweetie. watched the competition on line with mom, you were great! and so cute! hehe. still my little sister. glad you're enjoying all of the classes and making friends! miss you xo
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 24183
Dear Marsha, I absolutely agree with your attitude. The other day, I was watching an old episode of the TVB interview program 《志雲飯局》. It was quite 'painful' to watch as the interviewee always gave the 'perfect' answer. As you say, feelings do change with different circumstances at different times. So it is normal for one to feel happy or down or angry at different times. We all love you because you are genuine and sincere. I think this is why we look forward to each of your blog and we are always supportive to you! Glad that you are having new friends and are having fun! Keep it up! Patty
接近 17 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007