Official Artist
Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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back to work

Well...I'm finally back in Beijing.  My flight didn't get delayed this time..BUT, we did have to fly over Beijing for an hour before the weather was ok to land.  I have about 2 days free to relax and get massages before we start with rehearsals.  I heard that there have been a lot of changes since I was in HK.  For one, they changed the male lead (luckily because he could not lead me in the tango) and for the other....our new rehearsal rooms are no longer underground in a local chinese market with a smelly toilet (holes in the ground).  Too bad I never got the chance to video blog on that!  ha!  But...stay tuned...I will begin doing video blogs again once we get things rollin.....

By the way, I took about 5 Argentine Tango classes while I was in HK.  I've grown to really love it and I'm thinking about continuing it even after the movie is finished...but, I need to find a partner...that is the key...the guy has to lead...someone taller than me (which would be over 5'10" since that's how tall I get w/ heels!) and competent with dancing...anyone??

我終於回到了北京,這一回我的飛機沒有誤點,但是花了一個小時肯 定了天氣沒有問題了,飛機才降落到北京。

在正式排練之前,我有兩天時間可以休息按摩自由活動 。但我已經聽說,我離開這段日子,組裡有很多的變化 。首先男主角換人了,(幸虧換了,我正擔心他不能帶領我跳探戈. .還有我們排練室也換了地方,不再是在小超市的地下室 ,發臭的洗手間,早知道我應該把它錄下來,那我可以放在博客上和 大家分享了...當每件事都上了軌道以後,我會開始錄影放在我的 博客上.....

我在香港上了五堂阿根廷探戈,說真的我還真愛上了探戈 ,這部電影完了以後,我還會繼續學...但,我得找個舞伴.. .這可是最重要的...探戈是由男的來帶的...還得比我高的, (至少得五尺十以上,我穿上高跟鞋就那麼高),當然得會跳探戈的 ...有這樣的人嗎??

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Photo 24183
I'll be the first one to line up in the queue to apply as your partner if I were a guy!
over 16 years ago


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April 19, 2007