Official Artist
Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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A Good End to 2012

     As the year is coming to an end, I can't help but think back to what a great year it has been.  I'm so very thankful for all the opportunities that I've had in this year.  It seems like the turning point was last December when I got closure on some "complications" that took over a year to settle.  And, holding on to my faith, no matter how terrible things got, from that point on one opportunity after the other came and blessed me.  Thank you thank you!!  I am so grateful.  I'm forever grateful for my wonderful family, my close friends, and my someone special.  It only makes life more worthwhile to be blessed with such loving people.  And, to be able to share significant points in my life with those people means more to me than anything in this world.  The 2 biggest challenges in my life happened in this year and I know that they have shaped me into the artist that I am today. There's nothing more rewarding than feeling a sense of improvement and accomplishment at the end of 2012.   "I, Ching" was my first challenge this year and along the way I was able to work with such wonderful people.  I'm forever thankful to Jacob Yu for believing in me for the role of Madame Mao.  And, giving me my first challenging role.  I'm also thankful to Cecile Tang for creating this show and trusting that I can do the job even when she felt like I wasn't mean enough for the role. hahaha....I'm also thankful for meeting Lowell Lo and Susan Tang.  One of the sweetest couples I know....and I'm so happy to have met them.  It was also such a pleasure to work with such a wonderful cast and meet my partner for "When Rick Met Marsha", Rick Lau.  I truly believe that you meet each person in your life for a reason.  Rick and I worked so hard on my second challenge of the year,  "When Rick Met Marsha".  Thinking back, I can't believe we were able to pull off the show in such a short time.  But, it has become an experience that has challenged me and forced me to go out of my comfort zone.  But, how rewarding it has been!!!  And, I definitely feel like I've improved in many aspects of my art.  I'm smiling now as I type out this blog....and feel like this past weekend has definitely been a good end to the year...as far as projects and career opportunities go....I'm also thankful to Amuer Calderon.  I really think that he has helped me improve in my vocals just from the 2 months we were working on the show!  Thanks Amuer!  I wish I could pronounce your name better![](/attachments/2012/12/03/16/23285_201212031657301.thumb.jpg)Photo taken by Harry Yuan Photo taken by Michelle O'BrienPhoto taken by Michelle O'Brien with Rick LauPhoto taken by Michelle O'BrienPhoto taken by Michelle O'Brien.  New Years resolution.  To practice playing guitar more so that I deserve to get a new guitar!!![](/attachments/2012/12/03/16/23285_201212031657306.thumb.jpg)Photo taken by Michelle O'Brien.  Our drummer and guitarist, Antonio and musical director/pianist, Amuer!Anyways, I am looking forward to what 2013 has in store for me :)  And, if anything, I feel inspired, fulfilled, and very very appreciative for everything in my life....   2012年接近尾聲了,我卻無法停止去回想,這是多麼令人難忘的一年。我非常感恩,這一年裡我有那麼多的機會,這個轉折點應該是從去年十二月那個煩人的官司結束了以後,盡管當時這一切有多可怕,但就是從這時開始,一切都有了轉機,一個機會接著一個機會都迎向我來。我要向我的家人,我親愛的朋友們致謝,謝謝,謝謝,是你們讓我的生命充滿了意義。這一年裡,這麼多機會中,其中有兩個最大的挑戰,讓我藝術生命跨進了一大步,在這一年裡讓我感到最大的欣慰,就是這一年來的進步。

     "I, Ching" 是我第一個最大的挑戰,我能夠延續地有機會和這麼多好人一起工作,我得首先感謝我們的導演Jacob Yu,因為他對我的肯定,他相信我能勝任毛夫人江青這個角色,當然我也得感謝 Cecile Tang(唐書璇)寫了這麼好的一個角色以及製作了這齣音樂劇,盡管一開始的她曾經懷疑我是否能像江青這樣兇狠,但是她還是給了我這個機會,哈哈哈.... 同時我也很榮幸能認識Lowell Lo and Susan Tang 夫婦.他們是我認識的其中一對可愛的夫婦 ....我很感激不但認識了他們還能跟他們一起工作。當然能夠和這麼多好的演員同台演出是我的最大收穫,尤其能認識Rick Lau.我相信在我們一生中,人和人的相遇相識,一定有他的原因,我和Rick非常努力地創作我今年的第二個最大的挑戰  "When Rick Met Marsha". 回想當時簡直不敢相信我們能在這麼短的時間能夠製作出這個節目,但是卻是給了我一個最好的經驗,讓我對自己有個更大的挑戰,因為我們成功地接受了這個挑戰,讓我今天能很自豪,坐在這裡笑著跟大家在我的博客分享我的經驗,讓我感到這是我今年最好的句點 ...在我的事業和創作中還有一個人我要感謝的....就是 Amuer Calderon. 在短短兩個月裡,通過我們的排練他幫助我的聲音有了很大的進步 !  謝謝 Amuer!  我希望我學會怎麼唸正確你的名字!

almost 12 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
almost 12 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
congrats Marsha! hope 2013 is even better!
almost 12 years ago


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April 19, 2007