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Mancy Cheng
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What Would Jesus Do?

You really gotta ask yourself what has the world come to. Does physical appearance mean that much when your serving god? Doesn't focusing on the physical appearance commit a the sin of Envy? Based on the sin of Envy, the person should have their eyes sewn shut with wire when they enter Purgatory. Will the pastor be sent to jail or have his eye's sewn shut?


NY pastor accused of filching funds for Botox

Tuesday, April 7, 2009/.articleheadingstypes/article/articletools.tmpl

(04-07) 12:11 PDT New York (AP) --

A former pastor in New York City is accused of stealing tens of thousands of dollars from his parish to pay for plastic surgery, Botox injections and prescription drugs. The Rev. William Blasingame cited medical reasons when he resigned in January from St. Paul's Memorial Episcopal Church on Staten Island.

He is accused of stealing $84,537 over three years. The money was earmarked for parishioners in need and the upkeep of church grounds.

Blasingame could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted of second-degree grand larceny and possession of stolen property.

Attorney James Hasson calls the allegations a "bad mistake" and says there's "some kind of a vendetta" against his client.

He's due back in court May 12.

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
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It is profoundly common for people in a position of religious authority to use their position as a shield for all kinds of activities. It's a practice as old as religion itself.
almost 16 years ago
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jesus says he needs to puff his face up so he doesn't look so old. :-P
almost 16 years ago


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