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Mancy Cheng
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Read a very poignant article about the holocaust today. prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /


I’ve been to holocaust museums a few time when I was a kid and every time I’m there I would have this horrible feeling in my stomach. I’ve even had a chance to talk to a survivor from the holocaust when I was 10. I remember this old lady sitting in a round table talking about how the Nazi army took her parents away and she had no idea what was going on at the time and that was the last time she ever saw her parents again.


During the holocaust over 6 million Jews were killed, tortured or testing on. The rest were killed because they were from the Soviet, Poland, Roma and the rest were killed because they were disabled, homosexual, or Jehovah Witnesses.


The most astounding thing is that the holocaust is no longer being taught in schools…not even the Vancouver school curriculum anymore.


Holocaust should always be something to remind us of how stupid and evil humans can be. Just because it’s not mentioned anymore, it doesn’t mean it never happened.




‘All that is needed for evil to succeed is that decent human beings do nothing.’ Edmund Burke 1729-1797

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Photo 323572
thx for remembering and reminding us in your own little ways. if eachhuman being could just do one;s share of shared responsibilty.The world would already be a much better place and U had started yours. Thx
over 16 years ago


"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." James Dean (1931-1955)

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