What's new in Saigon, last week we had our 250th show!!!!
Sunday has become our regular drinks night anyway as we always have a matinee on that day and also because it's the end of a 7-show week (sometimes even 8 shows!)
It's nice to chill with everyone and when there's something to celebrate, it makes it even more special!
So what else is new. We had rehearsals with our new Chris, Jamai Loman, who will be officially taking over from our current Chris, Ton Sieben, on the 10th of June. Last week I got to go on as Kim and Ellen and it was already the last time for me to play opposite Ton. He's not the first cast member who leaves for other commitments. During the run we have said goodbye to some really cool people, but luckily we always get some really nice and wonderful people in return!
I'm going to enjoy this amazing production and all the great people who are involved as long as it lasts!
Nicola in Kinky Boots MIMI in RENT Aquino's mother in HERE LIES LOVE KIM in MISS SAIGON www.twitter.com/litonghsu http://www.weibo.com/litonghsu http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2230907404