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Bikinis and Hotpot

Woke up very early this morning!

I walked to the studio, which was only a few minutes away from my home for the photo shoot for my next project, a tv show.

The shoot went great! I had met the two other hosts before at another shoot, but we didn't have the chance to chat then. I got them to know a bit better, they're very cool girls! Our first outfits were bikinis...hm... I've been dreading this, coz I still haven't lost all of my winterfat yet. But everybody said that I had lost weight since the 1st shoot we did! Actually, I don't think I've lost any weight, but going to the gym everyday for just over one week now has already paid off! I must be toning up! What a great motivation to continue!!!  Funnily enough the studio was crowded with people whom I had no idea of if they were supposed to be there or not...and more kept coming...When we moved on to more decent clothes, the audience was suddenly gone, it figures...

Anyway, everybody was happy with the result of today's shoot! I went home to drop my stuff off and then met the production team again and some other friends for some delicious HOTPOT!


17 年多 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
so of course i have to ask... when are you going to put up the pictures! :-P
17 年多 ago
Now if only we can get some peeps together and organize a bikini/hotpot dinner sometime, that would be very interesting!
17 年多 ago


Nicola in Kinky Boots MIMI in RENT Aquino's mother in HERE LIES LOVE KIM in MISS SAIGON www.twitter.com/litonghsu http://www.weibo.com/litonghsu http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2230907404


Shanghai, China & Amsterdam, Holland
May 14, 2007