Lisa Selesner
主持人, 模特儿
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Busy, busy, busy | 忙,忙,忙

I know...long time no write... Been very busy as everyone who lives in Hong Kong is, and have also made a few trips up to China for some work. China, as usual, had its ups and downs.  Although I can honestly say this time it had more ups than downs.

|  我知道…有很長時間沒寫博客了…象每個在香港的人一樣,我非常非常忙。因為工作去了幾趟內地,內地跟往常一樣,有優點也有缺點。但誠實地說,這次的優點多於缺點。 |  我知道…有很长时间没写博客了…象每个在香港的人一样,我非常非常忙。因为工作去了几趟内地,内地跟往常一样,有优点也有缺点。但诚实地说,这次的优点多于缺点。

So, do you think this is an up or down?  First stop, Shanghai. Yes my hair is half curly, and half straight. Ummm, yes, feathers too. Other than the "interesting" hairdo, this turned out to be a pretty nice show. It's always nice to walk on a nice long runway with good music, and this show had all that. Also, got to stay in a super shwanky hotel which is always a bonus for us models, as, contrary to popular belief, more times then not we are put up in "business man" hotels. Let's just say that there are always an interesting array of unidentifiable stains on the rugs and comforters.

Then, after returning to Hong Kong for a week, I was back in China shooting an Olay commercial. Guangzhou to be exact. Amazing how much this city is changing. Everytime I go back I am baffled by the number of brand new high rises there are. Guangzhou is booming! Anyways, didn't do much other than work. Besides, somehow struck gold and somehow got to stay ANOTHER shwanky hotel. Woo-Hoo! Two trips in a row! And I'm a bit of a hotel room whore... Yes, I am guilty of loving hotels. I love to order room service, watch TV in an obnoxiously large bed, and take full advantage of the free amenities such as tiny size shampoo and conditioner.

Anyways... here are some photos of the shoot for Olay...

|  你覺得這是優點還是缺點?第一站,上海。我的頭發是半卷半直,還很薄。這次除了做”有趣”的發型之外,還走了非常好的秀。伴著好音樂走好T臺的感覺總是很棒,這場秀具備了所有這些元素。另外,住超級豪華的酒店對我們模特兒來說也是額外的禮遇。一般給我們安排的都是”商務”酒店,地毯和毛巾上總是有模糊的汙漬。在回香港呆了一周後,我又到廣州拍攝玉蘭油廣告。這城市的變化很大,每次我來都能發現幾幢新樓矗立起來,廣州正在飛速發展!我除了工作,很少有其他安排。要不工作,要不就呆在另一家高級酒店。哇哈!一次做兩趟旅行!我有點象做酒店特殊服務…如此熱愛酒店,有負罪感。我喜歡點酒店服務,在討厭的大床上看電視,方便地帶走各種免費小物品,如小包裝的洗發水和潤發素。


 |  你觉得这是优点还是缺点?第一站,上海。我的头发是半卷半直,还很薄。这次除了做”有趣”的发型之外,还走了非常好的秀。伴着好音乐走好T台的感觉总是很棒,这场秀具备了所有这些元素。另外,住超级豪华的酒店对我们模特儿来说也是额外的礼遇。一般给我们安排的都是”商务”酒店,地毯和毛巾上总是有模糊的污渍。在回香港呆了一周后,我又到广州拍摄玉兰油广告。这城市的变化很大,每次我来都能发现几幢新楼矗立起来,广州正在飞速发展!我除了工作,很少有其他安排。要不工作,要不就呆在另一家高级酒店。哇哈!一次做两趟旅行!我有点象做酒店特殊服务…如此热爱酒店,有负罪感。我喜欢点酒店服务,在讨厌的大床上看电视,方便地带走各种免费小物品,如小包装的洗发水和润发素。好了…这是为玉兰油拍广告的一些照片…

Myself, the director, Jun, and hair stylist, Kenji.

|  我、導演Jun和發型師Kenji |  我、导演Jun和发型师Kenji

The makeup artist, Ayda.

|  化妝師Ayda |  化妆师Ayda

A peek at the "real" behind the scenes. Pristine, white, shiny, plastic on the right side. And on the other side of the wall is dirty chaos. Metaphorically speaking...no I'm just kidding! Just thought it was a cool photo.

|  鏡頭後的真實一面。右邊簡潔、純白、閃亮、造型感很強,而左邊的墻後則是一片臟亂。對比強烈…我在開玩笑!只是覺得這張很酷。 |  镜头后的真实一面。右边简洁、纯白、闪亮、造型感很强,而左边的墙后则是一片脏乱。对比强烈…我在开玩笑!只是觉得这张很酷。

In order to achieve a perfect, calm, comfortable looking photo you have to pose in the most awkward and uncomfortable poses. How do ya like the converse? Tres Chic! All the neck and shoulder pain was well worth it, the final product is beautiful. You all will just have to wait and see that when the campaign comes out...

|  為了得到看起來很完美、平靜、舒適的照片,我不得不擺出許多尷尬和不舒服的姿勢。你有多愛匡威?他們太棒了!讓頸、肩不再痛,很值得。拍出來的廣告非常漂亮,你們得等到廣告開播時看了… |  为了得到看起来很完美、平静、舒适的照片,我不得不摆出许多尴尬和不舒服的姿势。你有多爱匡威?他们太棒了!让颈、肩不再痛,很值得。拍出来的广告非常漂亮,你们得等到广告开播时看了…

16 年多 前 0 赞s  27 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow amazing! you really are a great blogger! always so much fun to read (because I am a photo blog lover).
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ps - those chucks w/ classy make-up and mini-dress is awesome! ;-)
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong
August 27, 2005