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Joseph Kwan
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I found that the new Hong Kong Benny Chan film, Connected is actually a Hollywood remake.  However, they took that term literally.  I mean even the scenes where Kim Basinger was suppose to be assassinated is the same.  Some of the great scenes from the original were xeroxed and honestly Chris Evans gave the film a bit of Humour where as the HK version was simply just actions scenes copied from the original.  I wouldn't want to watch this one.  I am sure it's a great film and director Benny Chan once again gave us some great big scenes in his version of the "Cellular", but what's the point of watching it again (if you've seen the original Cellular, I don't see anything new in this one.)  I don't usually mind remakes.  I mean I've watched the new Omen, Departed, War of the Worlds, etc... but I do mind if the film does not contain anything new.  Is it really that bad???  You tell me for yourself.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDJ-D5hIbW0DIRECTOR BENNY CHAN's VERSIOn

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6V96fY9fqwHollywood Version


over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Well, filmmakers have been doing it for a long time, remaking foreign films as virtual carbon copies. What most people don't realize is that Sergio Leone's "A Fist Full of Dollars" (the first spaghetti Western he did with Clint Eastwood) is lifted almost verbatim from Kurosawa's "Yojimbo". The English dialog in Fist is identical to the English subtitles of the version of that film that was released in the early 60s internationally. (The new Criterion edition of Yojimbo has a new translation of the subs, so it won't be obvious how much of the dialog was lifted.) If you want to have a good time, watch Yojimbo (original English subs) one night and then A Fist Full of Dollars the next night. I find it pretty amazing that I have never heard anyone talking about Fist as a close remake of Yojimbo, but it is.
over 15 years ago


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