In prosperity, our FRIENDS know us.In adversity, we know our friends.I agree with the statement that if, at the end of life, we can count on at least two people, who are friends willing to do anything for us at the drop of a hat.And who stand ready when we are hurting or need help.If so, then we are indeed fortun...Read more
We all know that this world is shacked in total chaos.Global warming, world recession, poverty, terrorism, suicides - you just name it.Feeling troubled and stressed?We all need space once in a while, To unwind and...Read more
Home > Breaking News > Lifestyle > StoryJuly 26, 2009Yasmin Ahmad laid to restRead more
If I could catch a rainbowI would do it just for you.And share with you its beautyOn days you're feeling blue.If I could build a mountainWe could call it our very own.A place of devine serenityA place we can be alone.If I could absorb yo...Read more
Sometimes, life can be such a pain.Stress at work. Petty problems. Loggerheads.So how do we liberate ourselves from all these?Just as it takes all kinds of people to make our world so various, and so beautiful, so it takes many forms of relaxation to create rest and renewal at each level of our being, and in each phase of our lives.True, everything ...Read more
KOOL? Sure! NO - We are NOT a varsity campus (funny if you think so). CERTAINLY - we are a 100% professional beating-heart FILM PRODUCTION COMPANY. We are h