Kit Hung
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Philipp Plein and Kult - F-U-C-K YOU CHINA

Photo and text taken from www.littleoslo.com##歐洲製造的 Fuck You China 又因為一句妄語而翻起了千重巨浪,如海嘯般從德國直抵中國,事緣於一件T恤上印了“FUCK YOU CHINA”的字句,再煞有介事的寫明“Manufactured in Europe, produced and designed by Philipp Plein”,兼在袖口送上“Chinaman”模樣的圖像一個。作為聲譽日隆的高檔品牌,德國時裝設計師 Philipp Plein之名今回真的更廣為人知,以一句“FUCK YOU CHINA”來發洩不滿,儼如近月大肆標榜“China-Free”的物品一樣來劃清界線。然而凡事觸動了國家民族等等大題目的敏感神經便不好搞,一句「傷害了廣大人民的感情」便足以號召萬千憤青來抵制。事件開始鬧大,Philipp Plein方面便推說“ F-U-C-K YOU CHINA”是“the fascinating & urban  collection: kiss you China”的縮寫,但為免惹起紛爭,已經將有關T恤下架。這件事讓我想到了另一個時裝大名French Connection的簡稱FCUK,如何由爭論演變而成人人擁戴,更大的品牌代號,當中字母給予的聯想空間和幽默感遠比 Philipp Plein低級趣味的解話優勝。將不滿化為看得見的仇恨是可怕的,還要美化包裝為商品,更是可恥。難道Philipp Plein不會明白,那麼便試想像將“FUCK YOU CHINA”改為“FUCK YOU JEWS”看看將會有甚麼後果,到時不會是一個道歉便能止息的事了。more info can be found in

Swiss Info Deutsch Welle

From Kit Hung:

For whatever reasons and explaination given afterward, I think as a designer/upcoming leading brand should be award of the social influences of thier products, and MUST NOT  spread any hate speech, and mask them under pop culture/fashion trend.

They should have the ability to admit, and accept that they had been mistaken, but not to over explain and make up reasons for what they have done wrong.

This incidence has told us that Philipp Plein

(1) has NOT DESIGN MORAL,  and NO SOCIAL AWEARNESS when he run his business - Difficult to achieve an international status.

(2) don't understand the meaning "F-U-C-K YOU" and "KISS YOU", and try to confuse people

(3) think all the people and his clients are idilot.

All the Chinese should be aware and take appropiate action against similar incidence in the future.

作為一個設計師/或品牌持有人,好應該對自己的產品負責任,更應該在產品推出之前瞭解其產品及內容對社會及人民的影响。 Philipp Plein 這次把這明顯侮辱中國的字眼放在其設計上,利用他的知明度及設計宣揚此充滿憎恨的訊息,然後再嘗試將 FUCK YOU 硬說為 KISS YOU。此不負責任的表現說明 Philipp Plein:

(1) 毫無國際時尚品牌的內涵,稱不上是設計師,而應好好回到小学上文化課。

(2)完全不明白 FUCK YOU 和 KISS YOU 的分別。




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english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
October 11, 2007