Official Artist
Kit Hung
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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I haven't been doing this for loooooong time: is to keep looping one song again and again.

Sometimes I wonder what is the magic of one song that can keeps people listening to it, even keeps listening to it.

After this long trip (well, only 50 days) in Shang Hai and Beijing, I realized that being able to effort to keep listening to one song, without any other things to disturb is very difficult, and to me, to be able to dip yourself into one song, to enjoy that kind of romance, is luxurious.Coming back from Beijing and Shanghai, finally I can relax a bit and the cough is (finally) recovering. Missed a lot of information in Hong Kong, and a lot of songs that is not able to find in mainland China, was just clicking this song, and can't help listening to it again.Simple. Even he is rapping the same lyrics (Lazy?!), but this is the magic of music, one or two sentences, some mellow simple tune...if it catch your soul, it's a good song.

I think what attract me is the contract between the words.. and the symbolic meaning behind...

.....it's looping the 52 times...#周杰倫 彩虹 詞:周杰倫  曲:周杰倫

哪裡有彩虹告訴我 能不能把我的願望還給我 為什麼天這麼安靜 所有的雲都跑到我這裡

有沒有 口罩一個給我 釋懷說了太多就成真不了 也許時間是一種解藥 也是我現在正服下的毒藥

看不見妳的笑我怎麼睡得著 妳的聲音這麼近我卻抱不到 沒有地球太陽還是會繞 沒有理由我也能自己走

妳要離開 我知道很簡單 妳說依賴 是我們的阻礙 就算放開 但能不能別沒收我的愛 當作我最後才明白

Rap: 看不見妳的笑 要我怎麼睡得著 妳的聲音這麼近 我卻抱不到 沒有地球 太陽還是會繞會繞 沒有理由 我又能自己走掉 釋懷說了太多就成真不了 也許時間是一種解藥解藥 也是我現在正服下的毒藥

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Thank you for visiting my blog, for more info, please also visit: http://www.KitHung.net. From today on, I will slowly release notes from the making of my fi

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
October 11, 2007