holy shit...we've been watching hate5six.com for YEARS! and they just put up this post that they're going to watch us when we open for Sick Of It All this summer! CAN'T WAIT! so far - people in the States have been super kind about us (a band that most have probably never heard of) and eager to see what a band from Hong Kong is like! THANK YOU AMERICAN HARDCORE KIDS! see you this summer! can't believe we're going to be out there this summer...Hardcore世界裏面呢個網站 Hate5Six已經一個好傳奇的網站 - 如果想睇最正嘅美國hardcore show視頻就一定會上去呢個網站!佢地今日post咗佢地好期待睇我地今年去美國演出的show! 勁開心...Read more
《印尼硬核的女性》記錄片放映會 Indonesian Women in Hardcore Documentary Screening!
我們很榮幸可以於5月27日的演出完結後,播放一齣全新電影,題材是印尼硬核朋克圈子中的女性。這電影定必使我們對亞洲硬核圈認識加深,獲益良多,萬勿錯過。We are so honored to announce that after the show on May 27 we will be screening a brand new documentary about women involved in the Indonesian hardcore-punk scene! We are certain there will be a lot that we will learn about our fellow Asian hardcore scenes from watching this.
5月27日,不見不散,緊記留到最後電影首播!See you on May 27 and make sure to stick around until after the last band to watch this! *電影附有中文字幕 *The documentary ...Read more
下場show將會試下新嘢。。。玩完成場show之後會播呢個 "印尼硬核的女性" 紀錄片!如果你會過來睇show記住show完結後仲會有呢個片俾大家睇!We're trying something different at our news show! After the show is over, we're going to screen the following Indonesian Women in Hardcore documentary! Make sure to stick around after all the bands are done to watch this! Ini Scene Kami Juga
Solidarity with our fellow brothers AND sisters in hardcore worldwide!
London - YOU ARE AMAZING!!! 倫敦 - 好勁啊你。。。係呢個動作來可以改變全世界對伊斯蘭教的形象。。。以後人地歧視我的時候問“你唔係回教人啊嗎?" 我可以好proud回答 "係 -同倫敦城市市長一樣。
生活習慣 - 一起身就要check曬所有關於重型音樂的網站。。。但係以前會覺得D網站宣布的樂隊全部都唔係亞洲人區的?依家有自己搞嘅網站日日都有亞洲區樂隊的最新消息可以宣布真係好開心。。。少少能力可以幫咁多唔同國家的樂隊。你會唔會日日睇啊?!記住 uniteasia.org A personal habit of mine is to get up every morning and scour the web to read up on all news related to heavy music...but it's always been a concern to me that these websites almost always never shared any info about Asian bands. Now that I have unite Asia it's been such a fulfilling exercise on so many levels...my little energy can help so many bands - such a rad thing!!! Make sure to check it daily too: uniteasia.org
Two new songs coming soon :-) Homeboy rocked it in the studio today! Guitars start on Saturday! Huge thanks to Tom Lee for the Paiste cymbals and Vic Firth sticks! Means a lot that this hard working dude has a strong support system behind him! Song One - inspired by Bruce Lee Song Two - inspired by punk rock @wingivan @tomleemusic.hk Song one we're super honored to premiere on @ineffecthc soon! Means the world that they're so behind helping us out! See you in the US everyone! @sickofitallnyc
我地上一場show好幸運有得cover我地最愛的punk rock歌之一 Rancid的Roots Radical!!! 等咗幾十年終於有機會玩!可惜一開始玩人地癲曬壞曬D mic線!哈哈哈。。。雖然我地最鍾意呢D混亂情況但係影響咗呢個視頻的聲 :-) 不如下場再演一次啦!May 27在Focal Fair再見!上去我地Facebook享受下呢個video!We were super stoked to cover one of our favorite punk rock tracks Rancid's Roots Radical at our last show! Clearly the audience was too because as soon as we busted into it all the mic cables got fucked hahaha...it's cool - we just gotta do it again at the next show! Peep the video up on our Facebook now and see you at the next show May 27 at Focal Fair
都唔知等咗幾十年先終於有機會cover呢首歌! 一開始唱大家火到D mic線壞曬! hahahahahaha...無計 - punk/hardcore就係俾大家機會發洩 - 發洩的時候實會有嘢fuck up! :-) 好彩 Focal Fair 絕對明白! 不如五月二十七號再玩一次好唔好?I don't even know how many years I've waited to finally be able to cover this song! And finally when we got to play it, you all went so nuts that the mic cables broke hahahahahaha...but that's EXACTLY what punk/hardcore is for - that beautiful visceral release that we all need. Thank goodness the venue Focal Fair are super understanding! :-) How about we play this song again on the 27th?
See you there! 到時...Read more
Photos from the second show in our new series of shows to revive Hong Kong hardcore and punk rock. 我地今年搵咗新場地 Focal Fair 突然間好有興趣盡力振興香港hardcore...呢D相就係我地今年第二個活動...當晚邀請咗D香港punk樂隊 Feel Of All 和 DEFIANT SCUM - Hong Kong Street Punk 同我地一齊上台代表下香港和廣東hardcore-punk世界(當晚都有好朋友來自深圳的樂隊What A Beautiful Day!!!)。雖然呢個世界超細 (當晚得四十幾個人) 但係照片裡完全捕捉到如果地點係理想咁無論有幾多人來睇,個氣氛都會好正。Because we were able to find the most ideal sized venue, Focal Fair, this year we've suddenly had the courage to try and revive this little thing called hardcore out here in Hong Kong. This was the second show in our s...Read more
27% of HK pupils think of suicide or self-harm 63% of HK pupils have sleeping disorders
好慘。。。教育局/政府唔會理你。。。請你地照顧自己同埋你身邊的同學。。。this is such tragic news - the HK Education Bureau/HK Gov't. is not going to care about you, so it's up to you all to take care of yourselves and your classmates...look out for each other. http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/1938928/27-cent-hong-kong-pupils-think-...Read more
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d