早晨! 我地荔枝王第一代的鼓手Mr. Stephane-plays-with-feels-for-days-Wong 開咗自己個FB musician page! 請過去支持下我地D成員!What up! Our very first drummer of King Ly Chee Mr. Stephane-plays-with-feels-for-days-Wong has set up his own FB page! Please head on over and spread some love to our member.
Once a member, always a member. 荔枝王直到永遠muthafucka.
我地下場show都係繼續重新建立香港hardcore精神. 當日參與活動D樂隊就係下面的youtube playlist可以享受下 - 加咗佢地當日將會cover的歌! For our next show we're going to continue to laydown the groundwork for a rebirth of (guangdong) hardcore pride hahaha (anyone get the reference?! COME ON!)...here's a youtube playlist of the bands taking part and the songs they'll be covering!
May 27, 2016 VENUE: Focal Fair TIME: 8:30pm PRICE: 150HKD
MORE INFO: https://www.facebook.com/events/1392782040738303/?acti...Read more
自己SCENE, 自己搞
May 27, 2016 (Friday) TIME: 8:30pm VENUE: Focal Fair PRICE: 150HKD BANDS: King Ly Chee Fight Club Planck Sense of Silence GUEST BAND: Human Brutality (Taiwan)
我地呢幾show目標仲係重新開始建立我地本地hardcore社會!今年已經搞咗兩場show - 第一場全hardcore, 第二場hardcore同punk rock crossover一場,今次係hardcore 同 emotional hardcore crossover. The whole point of the shows we've putting on this year in Hong Kong has been to reignite our little hardcore scene and start the whole thing over from scratch. We've done 2 shows this year already - the first being a full hardcore show, ...Read more 观看视频
香港最近無乜好新聞但係呢單嘢真係睇到好開心...加油!There hasn't been much going on in HK that has been very joyful, but this REALLY is a pleasant sight!
我地個hardcore/punk scene絕對唔大。。。但係有個好處 - 因為個scene咁細每一位嘅參與者係好緊要。除咗我地幾十人超熱情的觀眾之外仲有好緊要的幾位。。。就係幫我地影相和拍片的朋友。。。琴晚又係呢位攝影師 Kennevia Photography 來咗幫我地捕捉hardcore show的氣氛。相片真係好powerful的媒介所以更加要珍惜呢D咁有心的攝影師。。。琴晚亦都好lucky - Live life no rules production 都係到拍片 :-) 雖然大家玩得好癲令到Dmic和mic線壞咗所以會影響片裡面D聲但係 who cares :-) 真實的punk/hardcore show應該會有嘢爛!哈哈 (唔好意思focal fair!) 其實如果你想睇hardcore punk show一定要係現場睇唔係你電腦到!Our little punk/hardcore scene isn't very big but the cool thing about that is that because it's so small, everyone that comes to a show plays a big part. Besides the 40+ people who sho...Read more
聽晚唔知會唔會再見到呢個畫面。。。上次係Focal Fair實在太熱情 - 好理想。。。好希望唔係只係個一場show先會感覺到人地熱情。。。我地來緊幾場show都係自己搞因為想重新發展本地punk/hardcore。。。聽晚十五號再來一次!八點半係Focal Fair見!Who knows if we're going to see this explosion of passion again tomorrow night...the last show we played here was just beyond perfect...hopefully it wasn't just that one show - were trying to keep this up and starting everything from scratch here so we can restart this local punk/hardcore thing...we hope to see you there tomorrow night at Focal Fair in Causeway Bay - 8;30pm!!!
So excited for this show on Friday that we're putting on. Punk rock and hardcore in Hong Kong has never had a "big" audience at all, and especially not recently. We just can't compete with all forms of metal...especially metalcore and whatever else core there is out there that people flock out to support...that's why when this venue Focal Fair came about allowing us to put on shows for the small HK punk/hardcore scene in HK we were finally relieved that there was a venue here that we can organize punk/hardcore shows where only 30 or 40 people sho...Read more
呢個禮拜五我地有show啊!係銅鑼灣 - Focal Fair! 場show8:30pm開始 - 仲有兩隊本地punk樂隊,我地和來自深圳的hardcore樂隊叫 What A Beautiful day! We gots a show this Friday peeps...roll out after work at 8:30! 2 local HK punk bands, us, one Shenzhen hardcore band...
我地當晚將會玩的cover! 好期待!This is the cover we're doing! Stoked! Can't wait...
香港勁少人識欣賞的兩種風格 (punk and hardcore) 梗係要多D一齊出show啦! 所以當晚參與的樂隊都會玩punk和hardcore的cover歌! We're in this together!
April 15 Friday 8:30pm Focal Fair Causeway Bay
Guangdong Punk Hardcore Ain't Dead!
大佬。。。我地咁多年無一間唱片公司會覺得正, 因為香港所有公司都無用。自己搞仲好 - 所有嘢都係你話事。但係今日見到呢間硬核世界最出名的公司有like我地琴日post個相 - 開心到仆街!Revelation Records啊大佬!Woah - woke up to see a label that we've looked up to for years actually click "like" on something that we posted is frickin' insane...just a band from Hong Kong making our way out to the US for the first time in our 17 year existence...thank you @revelationrecords for taking a moment to check us out!
開心到仆街!我地第一次去NYC演出的海報終於出咗!係呢張海報有曬好經典New York Hardcore的元素: Sick of it All, Murphy's Law (!!! 痴撚線啊!可以同佢地一齊演出!)...加埋經典punk樂隊Street Dogs!!! 加埋場show係Sick of it All自己hometown! 係呢個咁正的海報到,有咁正嘅嘢係到。。。仲可以見到我地band名! Oh my god...希望大家都可以幫我地轉發呢個消息!香港band將會美國巡演!同D好經典的美國hardcore世界的樂隊一齊表演!好開心啊!希望大家唔介意呢幾個月會係咁重複講呢件事!:-) This is nuts...the poster for the NYC date for the Sick of it All East Coast 30 year anniversary show is out! We are besides ourselves as we just stare and stare at this poster...Sick of it All in NYC on their 30 year anniversary, with Murphy's Law as well!!! And t...Read more
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d