我地上一場show好幸運有得cover我地最愛的punk rock歌之一 Rancid的Roots Radical!!! 等咗幾十年終於有機會玩!可惜一開始玩人地癲曬壞曬D mic線!哈哈哈。。。雖然我地最鍾意呢D混亂情況但係影響咗呢個視頻的聲 :-) 不如下場再演一次啦!May 27在Focal Fair再見!上去我地Facebook享受下呢個video!We were super stoked to cover one of our favorite punk rock tracks Rancid's Roots Radical at our last show! Clearly the audience was too because as soon as we busted into it all the mic cables got fucked hahaha...it's cool - we just gotta do it again at the next show! Peep the video up on our Facebook now and see you at the next show May 27 at Focal Fair
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d