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THIS is what makes us prouder then anything in the world...when our fellow Asian family who live in the USA go out of their way to go and support us and rock our shirts with immense pride. This is our brother Joe who plays in killer indie rock band Ordinary Neighbors out of California. As soon as we started advertising our US Merch store up on All In Merchandise he quickly placed an order...thank you so much bro! His amazing band is about to drop their debut album and are premiering a track up on New Noise Magazine now! Thanks to everyone in the US as always for being...Read more

7 年多 前 16 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

THIS IS HUGE!!! 我地香港band tfvsjs 去緊日本音樂界Summer Sonic表演! 玩得開心D!KILL IT!!! This is huge - our very own Hong Kong band TFVSJS are heading to Japan to be part of this year's Summer Sonic Festival! CRAZY?!?!?! GOOD LUCK GUYS!

接近 8 年 前 39 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

our bro MastaMic who created our new intro that is on our Be Water EP (link below) has just released a hilarious new music video - he even kindly added English subtitles since he always raps his ass off masterfully in Cantonese. ENJOY! 我地好兄弟Mastamic最新MV!好多謝呢位兄弟有諗一諗香港唔識睇/聽中文嘅觀眾所以加咗英文字模! DOPE!

我地最新EP Be Water嘅intro歌就係佢作俾我地!未下載的朋友可以係到download: http://kinglychee.bandcamp.com/album/be-water-ep

https://youtu.be/4xp9o75d-n4Read more

接近 8 年 前 19 赞s  暂无评论  4 shares

我地今年去咗最經典最傳奇的hardcore城市之一 (New York City) 演出感覺到果邊D人係鍾意我地。個個都有過來同我地打招呼同我地講佢地好鍾意我地嘅態度,音樂,表演方式。。。好感動 - 得到呢個城市hardcore世界的認同真係好痴線。One of the coolest things about this summer was being able to get to one the cities on this planet that created some of the most influential hardcore bands/records (New York City) and to feel people's love and respect for us and what we're about. It was insane when people would come up to us at the merch table or in passing or even through private messages on our social media to tell us how they appreciated us coming, our show, our music...Read more

接近 8 年 前 28 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

見到呢個post好感動 - 特別係佢寫個佢 "it heals me"!多謝呢位支持者咁主動自己上去iTunes買我地2014年發出的專輯CNHC! Really stoked on seeing this message up on Instagram especially the sentence "It heals me". Means a lot that people are trying to grab our stuff (and actually paying for it) online! 如果上買我地D歌可以用呢幾個方法 Here's where our stuff can be purchased:

上網 Online: kinglychee.bandcamp.com iTunes/Spotify都有

CD/T shirt: kinglychee.bigcartel.com http://www.allinmerch.com/KING-LY-CHEE Tom Lee (Tsim Sha Tsu...Read more

接近 8 年 前 25 赞s  暂无评论  2 shares

好掛住美國演出。。。希望儘快可以返去然後再入van仔上路巡演!最快應該係下年的夏天。。。如果唔影得 - 同我唱歌呢位係全hardcore世界其中最出名的主唱亦都係我地最大受影響樂隊Sick of it All的主唱。呢隊的影響唔只係我地音樂上 - 佢地影響咗我地人生和思想。近幾年可以同佢地做friend亦都得到他們的認同和支持係我地呢隊玩咁多年最大嘅reward. 希望大家可以多留意呢隊已經玩咗三十年的紐約樂隊叫Sick of it All. It's going to be a long ass year before we get back to the states folks...these damn photos that keep popping aren't making it any easier! Hahahaha... @sickofitallnyc photo: Facebook.com/j.rock610photography

接近 8 年 前 86 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

今日一起身就見到有位廣眾們係美國睇我地演出之後勁鍾意咗我地然後即刻過咗去週邊買我地T恤然後今日佢自己好proud post咗呢張相!我自己見到都勁開心!大家都知我地係香港玩咗十七年啦都知係無希望嘎。所以如果我地想繼續呢隊或者唔想放棄就一定要繼續第二度發展。如果美國可以發展就好啦。。。Yo once again we wake up to this awesome post by someone who checked us out in the States and was so into us that actually picked up our merch! Thanks so much bro! Hope to see you next summer when we're back! Anyone else remember @allinmerch has our stuff up! Just tag us at #kinglychee

接近 8 年 前 57 赞s  暂无评论  1 share




接近 8 年 前 159 赞s  暂无评论  7 shares

TODAY! Hong Kong's brand new music/arts festival The Weekend is on today and tomorrow!

I know it's frustrating for non-Chinese reading people because all the information is only Chinese...but this is all you need to know:

TICKETS: Available at the venue OR all 7-11's (380HKD per day or 600 full weekend) TIME: 1:30pm til late (Saturday AND Sunday) VENUE: West Kowloon (Kowloon Station and walk) LINEUP/SCHEDULE: https://www.facebook.com/wowandflutterhk/

We're...Read more

接近 8 年 前 100 赞s  暂无评论  6 shares

Saturday - August 13 - 7:30pm - Hong Kong Stage The Weekend West Kowloon

接近 8 年 前 61 赞s  暂无评论  1 share


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d


Hong Kong
April 19, 2007