今日一起身就見到有位廣眾們係美國睇我地演出之後勁鍾意咗我地然後即刻過咗去週邊買我地T恤然後今日佢自己好proud post咗呢張相!我自己見到都勁開心!大家都知我地係香港玩咗十七年啦都知係無希望嘎。所以如果我地想繼續呢隊或者唔想放棄就一定要繼續第二度發展。如果美國可以發展就好啦。。。Yo once again we wake up to this awesome post by someone who checked us out in the States and was so into us that actually picked up our merch! Thanks so much bro! Hope to see you next summer when we're back! Anyone else remember @allinmerch has our stuff up! Just tag us at #kinglychee
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d