仆你街。。。英文已經唱得勁撚好聽。。。日文都唱得咁好?!?!?呢個主唱真係痴線。。。 :-) Seasons for Change from Hong Kong for the win folks. For the muthafuckin' win. Vocalist already kills it when he sings in English...so when you're that good at something singing in one language just isn't challenging enough hahahaha...he re-recorded a track in Japanese...
This is a MUST read regarding Angel Dust's 10am show in Kuala Lumpur yesterday scheduled during a flight layover! Hahaha...so rad that they were down to do something like this! 關於琴日係馬來西亞演出的美國hardcore樂隊Angel Dust轉機的時候玩場show個過程。係個搞手自己寫!勁好睇!
山海屯音樂節 - 台灣 Heartown Festival - Taiwan 十一月二十六號 November 26, 2016
演出資料 Festival Info: 山海屯音樂節2016
大家可以這裡免費下載我們中文版本的歌曲 Download the Chinese versions of our songs here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f2zcr9d50qy1dfs/AABAatPMFBKEZhr1e87EGHpSa?dl=0
Photo: Photography By Rich Zoeller Place: New York fucking City Summer 2016
Photos: Mike Sakas DATE: October 1, 2016 VENUE: Hidden Agenda (第三代告別 show)
終於係香港玩場show觀眾唔係只係企係到望緊我地。其實我地隊band唔係好望 - 又唔靚仔/又唔型! hahahahaha...希望呢D相可以感受到其實真正hardcore show應該係睇唔出邊D係樂隊成員邊D係觀眾。攝影師 Mike Sakas 完全抓到琴晚個氣氛。
外國八十年代可以發展punk/hardcore/metal文化因為每場show會有類似呢個氣氛然後D攝影師影到出來俾人地更加感受到個氣氛 。。。咁樣慢慢多D人有興趣睇show因為自己想參與呢個混亂/爆炸的畫面。
所以。。。玩音樂唔只係需要樂隊和觀眾,仲需要和要靠好多其他人:攝影師(影相/拍片), 做audio, 做on stage的tech, 等等。。。
係呢方面 - 見到呢D相之後希望可以繼續激發大家多多支持本地band。你地日日聽歌的時候可以加D香港band的音樂係你playlist到。等樂隊們宣布演出時間/地點然後過去全心全力支持佢地!如果個場仲有外國band咁更加要俾佢地知道呢個係香港 - 我地香港band都好撚勁! 香港band做暖場樂隊個意思...Read more
希望來到睇呢場的人會感受到其實我地香港的樂隊都係好勁。。。唔只係外國來香港的樂隊。想香港的樂隊可以更勁就要睇來點樣支持佢地。美國的樂隊點解咁勁因為果邊嘅人會全心全力支持佢地自己樂隊。反而外國band去個邊就D人冷曬hahaha. 變咗個邊的樂隊係有前途 - 就會令樂隊更認真作好音樂,玩好D show。無人係叫你無聽外國嘢啦 - 只係想大家平行D。 :-) Anyway - 多謝大家的熱情!好少連續幾場香港show會好玩! Hahaha...唔知下場香港show係幾時。儘快通知大家啦!@hiddenagendahk
THIS. Good band. Good song. Keep it up Hong Kong! 繼續向國際級的水平行啊大家!!!
Check out: stereo is the answer
Holy shit...this is the same stage we played in New York City this summer...and look who is playing it now!!!! Craaaaaaaazzzzzzyyyyyy....痴線!我地今年七月份係紐約市就係呢個舞台出show - 今日你睇到咗邊個?Metallica!!!!
December 15. 我地香港hardcore-punk世界嘅人今年終於有場show可以超期待! 鍾意聽hardcore嘅人但係唔係好鍾意聽punk - 記住hatebreed其實係代表緊hardcore-metal的風格. 想聽真正的hardcore請過去聽下Bad Brains, Minor Threat, Gorilla Biscuits, 等等。。。無punk rock, 絕對無hardcore。。。想瞭解hardcore先要去欣賞punk rock (唔係講緊blink 182果D).
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d