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cool lineup representing Hong Kong's metal scene!

大约 8 年 前 9 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Happy Diwali to all our Hindu friends in Hong Kong and all over the world! 今日係印度教的大日子!所有印度教的朋友們排燈節快樂!

大约 8 年 前 17 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

做咗 uniteasia.org 差唔多年半 - 今日upload咗呢年半裡最好睇的採訪。呢位兄弟本身係香港人但係十幾年前佢十四歲的時候因為行為有D問題要俾人地迫去美國入 D 康復中心...果邊佢搵咗hardcore和straight edge文化的正能量然後開始佢生命的新一條路。。。有夾過比較出名的美國hardcore punk樂隊叫 Grave Maker 和 Outbreak...最近入咗Muay Thai世界亦都贏曬所有比賽。。。佢人生的故事係一個好大的靈感。


just put up the best interview i've done for uniteasia.org since its inception...interviewing someone this forthcoming about his past and the shit they went through makes ALL this worthwhile...i don't do this website fulltime, in fact, i have a dayjob and more importantly - am a dad as well as someone...Read more

大约 8 年 前 17 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

look at what US hardcore website In Effect Hardcore threw up today! man...you bastards in the US just can't let a guy move on with his life back in hong kong hahahahahahaha...this was such a fun day - Chris behind In Effect hooked us up with a dope NY-based photographer Rich Zoeller who is a fellow hardcore kid himself and who proceeded to take us around Bushwick and then Manhattan grabbing new band photos (and threw that experience is now a dear friend of ours)...since In Effect basically put this together for us - we wanted to show our love and appreciation by p...Read more

大约 8 年 前 27 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

唔好以為香港punk歷史係好新嘅嘢。。。只不過大家唔知個歷史姐。。。比如 - 傳奇post-punk/hardcore樂隊 Fugazi 都曾經來過香港表演!96年的時候。。。係下面個link可以下載當日演出嘅audio! 超正。。。聽到 Fugazi係香港演出嘅audio好好正!

無乜人留意或者鍾意聽punk rock係另一回事。


大约 8 年 前 17 赞s  暂无评论  3 shares

兩個字: FUCK YOU.

我唔撚覺得好笑。如果日本人咁樣拍個片笑鳩中國人 - 人地會幾火爆?如果外國拍到咁樣嘅片一定會變得超大件事 - 導演和演員全部會俾人地迫出來道歉。

香港幾落後!?咁都笑得出?Fucking idiot.


大约 8 年 前 61 赞s  暂无评论  5 shares

The only two tickets that are worthy of going up on my wall...the first ever Sick Of It All show in Hong Kong...and now the first ever Metallica show in Hong Kong. Please please make these the next bands: Iron Maiden, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax!!!! :-) 痴線 - 我個墻到已經有我心目中最緊要的一隊band首次香港演出的飛 - 點撚知會再有一隊更值得放上我個墻到!Metallica Hong Kong 2017...估到估唔到。。。快D宣布下幾個大類型的金屬樂隊係Iron Maiden, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax!!! Hahahaha

大约 8 年 前 17 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

Flash back to our last China tour. Someone climbed onto the house speakers and jumped off. I don't know who it was - but I have a feeling you might know him. Thank you Guangzhou as always for being supportive of our band! 幾年前的事 - 有一位比較癲D嘅人上咗去場地嘅喇叭然後跳咗落來。呢位癲佬你地可能會認識。:-) 多謝廣州!每次去都一樣咁好玩!

大约 8 年 前 38 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

香港少數民族樂隊 Intellectual MORONs 出咗佢地首次music video! 過來支持下我地香港尼泊爾的兄弟啦!勁有90年代的味道!:-)


大约 8 年 前 19 赞s  暂无评论  18 shares

星加坡D hardcore bands 勁撚到。。。下年一月份星加坡唱片公司 Dangerous Goods 將會搞佢地首次label showcase - 全lineup只係本地星加坡hardcore或者punk樂隊。。。全部都勁。


大约 8 年 前 3 赞s  暂无评论  1 share


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d


Hong Kong
April 19, 2007