星期五個set我地自己都超級興奮!到時有幾個嘢會第一次做。。。咁多年一直用咗 “東方之珠" 做intro。。。今次將會係我地第一次用重新的intro。。。我地好朋友 MastaMic 搞俾我地!然後 -呢個intro之後仲會有我地自己嘅music intro!然後我地會演經典emotional hardcore首歌Fugazi的 Waiting Room! 然後玩lost in a world的時候仲會有個好朋友出來彈吉他 :-) 加埋,可以睇咁多好正的本地樂隊表演。。。然後仲有個來自台灣的hardcore樂隊會做特別嘉賓。。。場show結束後都會博印尼hardcore紀錄片!This Friday's show is super SUPER exciting for us because there are going to be a bunch of "firsts" for us. We've been using a pretty classic Chinese song "Dong Fang Zhi Zhu" as our intro music for a long LONG time...Friday will be the first time that we have a brand new intro - the intro music was created by our buddy, local HK hip hop legend, Mastamic! After that, we play our own intro which we've never played before...later in the set we're also covering Fugazi...then our good friend is coming to play guitar to the song Lost in a World. On TOP of all that...we get to watch so many great local HK bands. AND we also have friends from Taiwan hardcore band Human Brutality coming out to be special guests at this show...and we're screening the Indonesian women in hardcore DVD after the show!
HOLY FUCK! CAN'T WAIT! 宜家個感覺真係呢D show先: WE COME ALIVE! These are the moments that we realize: WE COME ALIVE
See you Friday! Starts at 8:30 sharp! 星期五 Focal Fair 見!8:30準時開始啊!
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d