香港一有D超正的新punk rock或者hardcore樂隊我地一定會全心全力支持!新ska-punk樂隊 Bulletproof hk 岩岩玩完佢地第一場show -喺我地十七年前同一個地方玩我地自己第一場 show The Wanch :-) 來享受下呢隊band!Any time Hong Kong has a killer new punk or hardcore band you best BELIEVE we're going to be all over supporting them. Check out this new ska-punk band called Bulletproof who just played their very first show at the same place we played our very first show 17 years ago...The Wanch! Check 'em out!
10 years and still here breathing Hong's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d