現在都唔知點樣花能力宣傳聽晚的演出。只可以講 - hardcore最教到我一樣嘢就係永遠都要靠自己去生活,自己去搵條路 DIY FOR LIFE。現在呢個政府更加會推我堅持呢個想法。I don't even know how we can spend time promoting tomorrow's show with the bullshit that happened today with our government. All I can say is, if hardcore has taught me anything, is to ALWAYS rely on yourself. Don't depend on anyone else - most definitely not this or any government.
聽晚更想發洩下。See you tomorrow night at 8!
Focal Fair演出 8pm正開 show (8pm sharp) 150HKD walk in
頭八十人仲會得到D免費正嘢食 - 場地邀請咗好朋友(前chock ma吉他手)啊拳準備D嘢食俾大家!:-) 到時準時到啦!第一隊"殺貪官" 要大家一齊火爆開show! The first 80 people even get something awesome to eat for free! The venue has invited our good friend (ex-Chock Ma guitarist) Keun to come prepare something awesome for all you to eat! So get there on time! The first band Shoot The Gun is going to set shit off on fire right AT 8pm!
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d