我地去完美國巡演的第一場香港show! Here's some info about our first show back in Hong Kong after our US tour!
香港重型音樂世界的朋友 - 你哋準備好未?
香港全新音樂節 Wow and Flutter "The Weekend" 將會喺八月十三至十四號舉行。 我哋好開心得到佢哋嘅邀請,我哋嘅演出日子/時間就係十三號晚上!當日其他表演單位同我地風格非常唔同,最初有啲擔心,但係再諗下會覺得其實當日可以係一個非常好嘅機會代表吓香港地下重型音樂世界!所以無論你鍾意聽hardcore/punk或者metal嘅朋友記住過來撐吓!要俾當日嘅觀眾睇到乜嘢叫stagedive, circle pit, mosh仲可以俾佢哋聽到我地啲瘋狂大合唱! :-) Hong Kong's brand new all local music festival Wow And Flutter "The Weekend" is being held on the weekend of Aug 13-14. We're incredibly honored to be invited to be part of this inaugural lineup! The date/time we're playing can be found below. We were originally a little worried about our specific day because all the other bands taking part are VERY different from us. But after we thought about it, we realized this could be a cool opportunity to show people what heavy music is all about! So whether you're into punk/hardcore or metal we need you to come down and show people: stagedives, circle pits, moshing and of course the grand ol' tradition of loud fucking singalongs!
如果當日啲觀眾睇緊我哋嘅的時候完全唔清楚發生咩事 - 我哋就超級成功!hahahahahaha...If while we're playing people are left completely confused about what's going on - we've totally succeeded! hahahaha...
當日見!由今日開始好好地溫書啦各位!:-) See you then! Make sure you've started practicing those damn words! :-)
Wow and Flutter "The Weekend" KING LY CHEE 荔枝王 Saturday - August 13, 2016 7:30pm
SETLIST (大概啦!): We Come Alive On The Road Overcome Scream For Life CNHC Embrace It All This Is Our New Beginning Sinking Ship Unite Asia Lost in A World
呢D歌大部分都可以呢到下載 Download tracks here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9fqmto7x00fy2gm/AABfc-Aid2ICebbmtAlm2cgLa?dl=0
"Embrace It All"喺我地兩個月前發出的全新EP "Be Water"其中一首!全EP可以喺到免費下載 The song "Embrace It All" is off our recently released EP "Be Water" which you can download for free here: kinglychee.bandcamp.com/album/be-water-ep
最後一句 - SHARE THIS SHIT! :-) hahahaha...
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d