What an honor to be invited to Clockenflap Music Festival and to be given such an amazing slot! 好幸運今年能夠參與香港最厲害的音樂節Clockenflap! 仲要俾我地咁靚仔的表演時間!非常多佢地的支持和尊重!
Sunday - Nov 29 7:30pm
呢一場也都會係我地今年最後一場香港show! 一個非常刺激的一年!This will also mark our last HK show of 2015...what an insane year!
More info: http://www.clockenflap.com
DOWNLOAD OUR SONGS FOR FREE 到時將會演出的歌可以這裏免費下載!: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ftdjnv5d5xwjxp2/AAC5vlc3q_4dye1LWtEXZ_aFa?dl=0 @clockenflap @ticketflap @uniteasia
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d