"unfair", "unjust", "saddened"? you're feeling this because your 7 thugs got caught on CAMERA and are getting what they deserve! JAIL TIME. But what if they didn't get caught on camera? they would be walking free to hurt and threaten others while protestors, which is a RIGHT in any part of the world with actual freedom, continue to FEAR the hong kong police.
get the fuck outta here.
what you SHOULD say is:
"We understand the current situation and will begin reviewing and reforming our police force to provide the right support our officers need to begin a new chapter and restore our image of the Hong Kong Police. We look forward to rebuilding our relationship with the people of Hong Kong."
I helped you write your press release.
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d