"They only hit Tsang twice in a corner to vent their anger”
USA - please don't be too worried - besides your new Cheeto president, kelly conway, sean spicer, stephen miller, we also have some fucking amazing people here like this turd. As you will read, he's actually a lawyer who is trying to justify the anger of a small minority of idiots in HK who think the 7 thugs (police officers) were justified in taking a protestor to a dark corner and beating him up because the protest led to very tired police officers and a volatile situation so they were just releasing some frustration.
hey asshole - we ALL have jobs and lives with tons of pressure - i live in hong kong and YOU'RE frustrating me, does that mean i can take you to a corner and beat you up too? so you're saying that IF i do that then i should not face jail time? What fucking university to get your degree from? Trump University?
people all over the world are dealing with garbage like this guy.
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d