Saying goodbye to HA Version 3
日期Date:10月1日(Saturday, October 1 星期六) 時間Time:晚上7時30分 (7:30) 地點Venue:Hidden Agenda 演出樂隊 Bands:
FightxClub King Ly Chee 荔枝王 The Priceless Boat 及時雨 – RAIN IN TIME Shepherds The Weak 遊蕩 Yau Dong
門票Tickets:$100 (Walk In 即場) / $80(Student Discount 學生優惠) @hiddenagendahk @thepricelessboat
10 years and still here breathing Hong's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d