張相裡面搵唔到我地成員!PER撚FECT! 呢D場嘅好處就係咁樣。你玩樂隊好型咩?So what!? 無熱情嘅觀眾一齊活落去絕對無用啦。硬核文化經常的說話: My mic is your mic 我支mic係你支mic My stage is your stage 我個舞台就係你嘅舞台 所以搵唔到我地成員係最最最最開心的情況!
好感激呢位攝影師夠膽係咁混亂的情況裡會拍底呢個超正的畫面!成晚都見到人地不故意推佢左推右但係佢一次都無發脾氣或者推返D人。佢絕對係想respect呢場show!Thank you Kenneth!!!! 3. 令到我地超期待下場show! April 15 Focal Fair!
廣東朋克!廣東硬核!仲未死! Defiant Scum 香港street punk Feel of All 香港pop punk What A Beautiful Day 深圳hardcore King Ly Chee 香港hardcore @kennevia_photography @feelofall
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d