如果大家唔知 - 我上年開咗一個關於亞洲punk-hardcore-metal-post rock樂隊新聞的網站叫 UniteAsia.org 已經年幾啦 - 日日都有post樂隊的新消息!如果有興趣聽亞洲的樂隊可以bookmark個網站!今日post咗來自新加坡樂隊LC93新專輯的評論. Enjoy! For those who don't know I've been running an Asian punk-hardcore-metal-post rock website called UniteAsia.org for over a year now that gets updated every day with news about Asian acts. Bookmark the page fools! Today I uploaded a record review for Singapore hardcore band LC93's new record! Get on it! Uniteasia.org @uniteasia
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d