Official Artist
King Lychee
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今晚 - 呢一年最美麗的結束。今年做咗三個巡演 (一個中國巡演,兩個亞洲巡演。。。其中一個就係同我地英雄Sick of it All一齊做 - 無佢地無可能會有今時今日的荔枝王)。。。今晚可以上台拿起呢個旗情緒高到仆街。Tonight was the best way to end this beautiful year of ours. We've done three tours in 2015...one China tour and two Asian tours - one of which was touring with our all-time hardcore heroes Sick of it All - if it wasn't for that band, there would be NO King Ly Chee. So tonight - when we got on stage and were able to wave this beautiful flag of ours - it was an emotional emotional moment...

多謝大家的支持!今晚特別要多謝你地的熱情。。。Thank you to all of you especially tonight...we really needed it.

希望唔會只係今日 - 希望以後都可以見到你地 :-) We just hope that it wasn't just for tonight - we hope to see you at our future shows as well!


King Ly Chee 荔枝王 1999 to 2015 to for-fucking-ever 從99年直到永遠。。。

Buy our music here - DO IT! https://kinglychee.bandcamp.com

almost 9 years ago 135 likes  0 comment  7 shares


10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007