今個禮拜日我地將會參加香港新開的音樂節叫 Open Sesame...唔需要來睇我地。但係其他表演單位全部值得支持!成個lineup可以上呢個網站睇一睇: opensesamecamp.com
・・・ 【樂隊公怖第4回】
戶外活動點少得聽行嘢呢? 繼噚日3隊本地重型band 今日再比多四隊大家吊大家癮^_^ 嚟緊我地陸續會公怖活動同購票詳情, 記得 Follow 我地攞最新消息!
樂隊包括: @div_fml / @kinglychee 荔枝王 / Shepherds The Weak / 慘慘豬 CharmCharmChu We will be giving more details about our events and ticketing soon, stay tuned and follow us on Facebook and instagram (@opensesamehk) #DIV #KINGLYCHEE #ShepherdsTheWeak #Charmcharmchu #慘慘豬#芝麻開壇 #芝麻嶺 #opensesamehk #hongkong #musiccamp #music #livemusic #playwithsun #summer #summercamp #hkig #waterfront #sweat
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d