ivan and i went to watch this hong kong band tonight...and we got our asses handed to us...THIS is the level of musicianship/showmanship we should ALL aspire to...don't sleep on this band please - they are frickin' AMAZING live The Red Stripes...dude - they're version of The Specials "You're Wondering Now" was OFF THE CHAINS (female vocalist - has some CRAZY lungs)!!!! they need to record that...anyone have a video recording of it??? 今晚ivan同我去咗睇呢隊香港 - 本地ska band叫The Red Stripes...估到估唔人地可以玩到咁勁! 玩音樂個touch超勁...表演台風更勁...十一個人玩一隊一D都唔容易...但係佢地做到...痴線...未睇過佢地表演 - 下次佢地出show記住過去感受下...真係好好勁. 佢地cover經典ska band The Specials的首歌叫 You're Wondering Now 玩得超犀利!好想再睇佢地cover呢首(女仔主唱唱歌唱得好勁)。。。
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d