I don't even know when the last time we had stickers made! But we are going to milk this amazing thing that happened to us this past summer! King Ly Chee x Minor Threat stickers! Vinyl! Printed in the Philippines by our boys in @piledriverlgn ! We got 'em made for this Saturday's big music festival in Hong Kong called @wowandflutterhk The Weekend! The stickers are free and will be available at the Merch Stall! GO GET THEM!!!! 都唔知最近幾時印咗貼紙!但係今個夏天同傳奇hardcore教父Ian Mackaye一齊影過相點會唔用呢張嘢啦!今個星期六 The Weekend音樂節大家可以免費拿!去賣周邊個地方買我地碟和隨便拿貼紙!
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d