好期待下個禮拜六的演出!地點絕對岩曬我地本地香港hardcore的情況 - 好想多謝 Focal Fair 俾到我地呢個機會試下重新開始發展香港hardcore. 今次更幸福因為我地來自深圳的hardcore大家庭到會過來香港一齊表演!對我地king ly chee的成員來講 -近幾年最俾到我地少少希望就係呢班深圳的兄弟。好多年一直支持緊我地 -依家佢地有自己隊band,我地絕對會全心全力支持和幫佢地手!THIS IS HARDCORE. 互相幫助/互相尊重/咁樣先可以繼續發展到呢個正面文化。We are TOTALLY looking forward to our next show on Saturday March 12 (next week!). The venue is one of the main reasons we are even ABLE to try to restart this thing called "Hong Kong Hardcore". We would really like to thank Focal Fair for giving us a venue whose size is perfect for the reality of hardcore in Hong Kong. It's a small scene and we need a nice, intimate venue like this...this show we're even more lucky because we have 3 bands from Shenzhen's hardcore scene who're going to come down and be a part of this special night! The guys in these 3 bands have ALWAYS supported King Ly Chee. One of the main reasons we have been able to keep going is because of the love and support from these guys...so now that they have their own bands - you KNOW we're going to back them hard! That's what hardcore is all about...
演出資料 Show Info: March 12, 2016 TIME: 8pm (準時!!! SHARP!!!) PRICE: 150HKD VENUE: Focal Fair 香港銅鑼灣摩頓台5號百富中心28/F BANDS: FightxClub (香港 Hong Kong) 遊蕩 Yau Dong (香港 Hong Kong) King Ly Chee 荔枝王 (香港 Hong Kong) Disanxian (地三鲜) (深圳 Shenzhen) What A Beautiful Day (深圳 Shenzhen) Shoot The Gun 殺貪官 (深圳 Shenzhen)
我地已經有計畫開始安排下一場!應該會係四月搞 :-) We're already working on putting on the NEXT show - it'll be in April so look out for that info!
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d