Had to say goodbye to my buddy today...5 years with this thing...bands who've sat in it: Sick of it All, Comeback Kid, Terror, Backtrack, Wolf Down, Parkway Drive...not to mention bringing my daughter home for the very first time from the hospital and I was driving like 5 kmh all the way home... Bummed...getting emotional about a car...tell me I'm not alone! Hahaha...岩岩同老友要講再見。。。陪咗我五年。。。五年裡有同我一齊車咗不少樂隊: Sick of it All, Comeback Kid, Terror, Backtrack, Wolf Down, Parkway Drive...仲有 - 第一次帶我女返屋企 - 仲記得當時超緊張所以成程駕慢到仆街。。。hahahahaha...點知個人會變咁 emo :-(
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d