Drum Workshop Tonight!!! 想學習打重型音樂的鼓 - 今晚無錯過!
Tonight's main event - two amazing Hong Kong/Macau drummers sharing their journey of becoming drummers for heavy music. 今晚係Hidden Agenda將會有兩位香港/澳門的重型音樂的故事會講佢地打鼓的行程!
Top picture - Leung Kin Man - drummer of Hong Kong's premier death metal band: Evocation (also played in Departing Cross, King Ly Chee and currently also plays in InDenial) 招魂的鼓手啊文
Bottom picture - Ivan Wing - drummer of Hong Kong hardcore band King Ly Chee 荔枝王的鼓手 Ivan
Drum Workshop Venue: Hidden Agenda Time: 7pm Tickets: 150 entrance @uniteasia @hiddenagendahk @wingivan @kinman_leung @tomy666 @tomleemusic.hk
10 years and still here breathing Hong Kong...it's in our hearts and pumps through our veins. We are a Hong Kong band and proud to be from this city. Then why d