Kimberly-Rose Wolter
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A present is even better when it is helping others

This year don't just go to the mall and buy a present, instead spend a few more minutes to research a gift that benefits someone besides big business.

A few examples I can offer are: Jewerly by Janelle Gibson, who has partnered with FreshWater Haven to raise funds to bring awareness to the abuse of woman and children in Zimbabwe. Visit http://savehope.blogspot.com to learn more and purchase the pendants in time for the holidays for you and loved ones. Your purchase can help end abuse in Zimbabwe and other countries, while bringing more attention by helping Tapestries of Hope, an impactful documentary focusing on the issue of rape and abuse in Zimbabwe. It also showcases the story of Betty Makoni and her organization Girl Child Network which has helped over 25,000 victims live a better life and away from rape.

Another good place to shop is with Unicef as well as Heffer and check out mikiala.com 10% of all sales go to help the woman in Darfur by receiving solar cookers. An item that can literally save lives there.

So this holiday don't just gift well, gift smart!! Mele Kalikimaka!! Kim

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Los Angeles, United States
November 6, 2007