Official Artist
Killer Soap
Musician , Singer
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Rock Music Charity Concert海報喺地鐵站出沒,請買飛為慈善出一分力啦?7月18日麥花臣見? @rmhc_hk @suppermoment @m1ster @robynnyip @kendysuen

over 9 years ago 244 likes  0 comment  0 shares

7月22日,KillerSoap再度九展演出,聯同Twenty One Pilots同MIYAVI同台開show,到時見!

Repost @livenationlushington with @repostapp.

・・・ Here's a chance to experience your #soundboxmoment. Go see Twenty One Pilots, Miyavi and KillerSoap live in concert. Tickets go on sale tomorrow! Check our Facebook for ticket details.

twentyonepilots #21pilots #miyavi #miyavilshihara #killersoap #concert #music #indiemusic #indiebands #soundbox #soundboxmoment #concertcray #livenation #livenationlushington

over 9 years ago 247 likes  0 comment  0 shares

We are excited to announce to share the same stage with MIYAVI(JPN) and 21PILOTS(USA) at 21July in KITEC, stay tuned!

Repost @livenationlushington with @repostapp.

・・・ /sound/: music that inspires /box/: a platform to be heard In other words, epic, cutting-edge music.

Soundbox is gearing up to bring edgy indie artists like Twenty One Pilots, Miyavi and Killersoap to you! Check out our Facebook for ticket details!

twentyonepilots #21pilots #miyavi #MiyaviIshihara #killersoap #concert #music #indiemusic #indiebands #soundbox #concertcr...Read more

over 9 years ago 199 likes  0 comment  0 shares

感謝2015華語金曲獎給我們最佳樂隊獎。 希望可以有更多的樂隊獎項,讓樂隊們的兄弟有努力的嘉許。

有拿到Gould的鼓棍嗎?這次掉得很好喔! Special thanks wardrobe : @852tailorhouse Makeup and styling @cycyyim @gould810 @killersoaprocky @killersailo @manmanlau @kevinsoap

over 9 years ago 283 likes  0 comment  0 shares

<2015華語金曲獎最佳樂隊獎>-- KillerSoap

Special thanks wardrobe : @852tailorhouse Makeup and styling @cycyyim

over 9 years ago 257 likes  0 comment  0 shares

《想怎樣》MV大家去YouTube search下啦!

killersoap #robynnandkendy #鄧小巧 #中國好聲音

over 9 years ago 256 likes  0 comment  0 shares

多謝 @robynnyip @kendysuen 邀請我地係新歌《想怎樣》一齊唱,期待MV同6月5日R&K音樂會!

iTunes《想怎樣》: http://UniversalMusicHongKong.lnk.to/Rnk_Single_XZY

Repost @robynnyip with @repostapp.

・・・ 送給大家第一首國語派台歌《想怎樣》。擁有似曾相識的旋律,卻擁有更強大的軀殼!!謝謝《中國好聲音》團隊讓我們這麼多個熱愛音樂的人走在一起。一直最珍惜的都是這些一起的回憶和友誼。謝謝你們和我們一起唱 #想怎樣!一齊發光發亮吧!!!@kendysuen @killersoaprocky @killersoap_official @tangsiuhau

over 9 years ago 292 likes  0 comment  0 shares

<大開眼戒> KillerSoap x 周筆暢 - 萬眾同心公益金


killersoap #周筆暢 #萬眾同心公益金 #hkig #band #live #video

over 9 years ago 250 likes  0 comment  0 shares


over 9 years ago 301 likes  0 comment  0 shares

TVB萬眾同心公益金 一直都想同唔同歌手合唱,今次請到Bibi 周筆暢合作廣東歌《大開眼戒》,仲可以係直播節目玩Live,希望可以籌多d善款俾金益金幫到有需要嘅朋友!

多謝 @5cm @ithk 提供有型新衫!

killersoap #band #tvb #bibizhou #周筆暢

over 9 years ago 350 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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