KillerSoap去左一年一度灣仔會展AV Show! 梗係行下通利琴行booth,揀下新款藍牙喇叭同發燒級耳機,今天日係AV Show最後一日,大家識做啦? #yamaha #akg
多謝新城!拎到國語力樂團獎!同埋恭喜 @gem0816 拎大獎!
Wardrobe by @852tailorhouse and @demofashionhk
Let the beauty of what you love be what you do. Let's have a great time together! @miyavi_ishihara @twentyonepilots @soundboxasia and see you tonight.
去HMV Facebook玩遊戲贏《月球背面的日光》演唱會簽名DVD!
・・・ 【HMV送你《月球背後的日光》親筆簽名DVD!】 KillerSoap Autographed DVD giveaway!
2012年Killersoap參與《中國好聲音》第三季,獲得一致好評,令樂隊人氣急升。上年KillerSoap更加舉辦《月球背後的日光》中國巡演,中港兩地走。小編當然捉緊時機,趁佢哋秘密回港時叫五子幫我簽左2隻 DVD益下啲樂迷。快d去HMV Facebook Page玩遊戲贏獎品!
A chance to win a KillerSoap autographed album just by going to the HMV Facebook Page and answering a question about KillerSoap!
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