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Killer Soap
Musician , Singer
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About Killer Soap

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KillerSoap是香港樂隊,於2004年組成。 KillerSoap的音樂經歷不少演變,具有流行搖滾音樂的元素,以配上節奏明快及悅耳旋律為創作前提。另一方面,Killersoap亦具備一些能抒發情感的慢板歌曲。這種獨特的創作音樂手法,令樂隊擁有與別不同的音樂個性。


從2004年起,KillerSoap曾參與數百現場表演,當中更包括電台、電視台活動,而表演地點包括倫敦、台灣、成都及澳門等地。 2008年冬天,KillerSoap於世界性大型樂隊比賽「Global Battle of the Bands」中奪得中國區總冠軍,同年代表中國遠赴英國倫敦與其餘26個國家冠軍切磋交流。 2009年,樂隊再度參加比賽亦獲得「最佳樂隊亞軍」及「最佳歌手」的獎項。 2011年,KillerSoap灌錄籌備多時的第一張大碟《Bittersweet》,首支單曲登陸903豁達推介2星期,最高排名第6位,而2012年首支廣東派台歌<不翼而飛>亦順利打入903專業推介十大位置,終於得到電台DJ及樂迷認同及支持。


2013年,KillerSoap推出第二張大碟《不知不覺》,並舉行一連十站的首次中國巡演,演出地點包括香港、北京、上海、廣州、長沙等地,反應超乎理想。加上同名歌曲<不知不覺>在電台上熱播,令樂隊增加演出機會,受邀在深圳迷笛音樂節、深圳熱波音樂節、香港銀礦灣沙灘音樂節、香港Lion Rock音樂節等,令樂隊獲得注目。下半年,樂隊派台國語歌<愛上晨光的禍>,更在新城勁爆本地榜打入十大位置,成績令人鼓舞。在樂壇頒獎禮上,KillerSoap獲得新城勁爆頒獎禮樂隊獎,實力備受肯定。

2014年,KillerSoap在中國東方衛視才藝節目《中國達人秀》中表演,憑著音樂才華躋身全國二十強,在數千萬觀眾前演出令人眼前一亮。 3月14日,KillerSoap在香港九龍灣國際展貿中心Music Zone舉行演唱會,及推出一張以木結他為主要樂器的不插電專輯《月球背後的日光》兼第二次中國巡演,逐漸在內地打響知名度。

Killersoap Biography

KillerSoap is a rock band based in Hong Kong since 2004. The name “KillerSoap” already gives an indication on it. Its meaning, “The Ultimate Lethal Weapon”, actually shares the same sound with its literal translation in Cantonese. KillerSoap is known for their uniqueness by blending the east and west; consists of fast, upbeat, catchy tunes as well as moody, compassionate and heartwarming ballad.

Global Battle Of The Bands – China Division Champion

Ever since 2004, they have performed in more than a hundred gigs, including several appearances in local television and radio.. In winter 2008, they won the champion of China Global Battle of the Bands (GBOB) and competed in the World Final with 26 other talents from all around the world in London as the representative of China. In 2011, KillerSoap recorded their debut album “Bittersweet” and the first plug ‘For The Lost Souls’ was in the chart of Commercial Radio 903 Ranked No.6 for 2 weeks. In 2012, their first Cantonese song ‘Disappear’ Ranked Top 10 in Commercial Radio. DJs and music fans recognized their music.

Two Rounds of China Tour to be succeed the breakthrough

In 2013, KillerSoap released the second album “Unconsciously’” and kicked off the 10-stop China Tour for first time. Including Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Changsha and more cities, with highly acclaimed by fans. The smash hit single ‘Unconsciously’ get a good result of airplay in radios and the band got more opportunities of performances. KillerSoap then was invited by Shenzhen Midi Festival, Shenzhen Zebra Festival, Silvermine Music Festival, Lion Rock Music Festival etc. The latest Mandarin single ‘Fall in Love in the Dawn’ was popular in Metro Radio and they won the Hit Award in Metro Radio Award Ceremony.

In 2014, KillerSoap was invited by Dragon TV to perform in “China Got Talented” TV Program. They were the Top 20 in China in the competition. On 14 March, KillerSoap played their KITEC Concert along with their new album “Other side of the Moon” and kicked off their second China Tour to gain more exposure in China.

Interesting facts about Killer Soap

Languages Spoken English,Cantonese,Mandarin
Location Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Gender Male
English Name killersoap
Member Since January 24, 2008
Simplified Chinese Name 殺手鐧 Killer Soap
Traditional Chinese Name 殺手鐧Killer Soap
Fans 63
Profile Views 256,112


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Languages Spoken
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Member Since
January 24, 2008