Official Artist
Karen Mok
Actor , Singer
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TVB8 Awards Ceremony|TVB8頒獎典禮|TVB8颁奖典礼

Last Saturday, I was still in Taiwan as a guest presenter for the Golden Horse Awards. Then on Sunday afternoon, I returned back to Hong Kong and immediately rushed to attend the TVB8 Music Awards Ceremony. But that night I wasn’t there to present awards, I was actually there to receive awards! A very lucky Karen would like to thank everyone for your support. On the night, I received the “Best Female Singer Voted by China Viewers” award and the TVB8 Top Hits Golden Melody Award: Day Shift Night Shift. I will definitely continue to work hard.

While I was in Taiwan for the Golden Horse Awards, I bumped into Eason,Lollipop and Van Fan. I never imagined that in less than 24 hours, we would see each other again in Hong Kong at TVB.

To express my gratitude for everyone’s support, of course I had to dress up beautifully to see you that night, so I wore a sexy outfit that revealed my back. Do you like the look of my back?

| 上星期六的我還在台灣做金馬獎的頒獎嘉賓, 星期日下午回到香港, 我便馬不停蹄地到TVB8的頒獎典禮. 但當晚我不是去頒獎, 我是去領獎呢! 幸福的karen感謝大家的支持, 當晚拿到<內地觀眾最愛女歌手>獎和 TVB8金曲榜金曲獎 :日場夜場. 我一定會繼續努力的.

在台灣的時候,才跟eason,棒棒堂和范逸臣於金馬獎中碰面, 想不到還不到24小時, 我們在香港的TVB中又見面了.

為了要感謝大家的支持, 我當然要扮得美美去見你們啦, 當晚我便穿了一件性感的大露背裝了. 我的大露背好看嗎?

| 上星期六的我还在台湾做金马奖的颁奖嘉宾, 星期日下午回到香港, 我便马不停蹄地到TVB8的颁奖典礼. 但当晚我不是去颁奖, 我是去领奖呢! 幸福的karen感谢大家的支持, 当晚拿到<内地观众最爱女歌手>奖和 TVB8金曲榜金曲奖 :日场夜场. 我一定会继续努力的. 在台湾的时候,才跟eason,棒棒堂和范逸臣于金马奖中碰面, 想不到还不到24小时, 我们在香港的TVB中又见面了. 为了要感谢大家的支持, 我当然要扮得美美去见你们啦, 当晚我便穿了一件性感的大露背装了. 我的大露背好看吗?

about 16 years ago 0 likes  22 comments  0 shares
Photo 97176
about 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
about 16 years ago
Looking good Karen!!!!! Congrats on your trophies!
about 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
she's bringing sexy back! :-D
about 16 years ago


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