Karen Mok
演员, 歌手
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KAREN MOK the Fragrance and the Official Web site are launched today! | 莫文蔚香水及官方網站今天誕生了!| 莫文蔚香水及官方网站今天诞生了!

October 9th, 2008: I've really waited a long time for this day to arrive and I'm really excited! It's because a dream that I've had for many years has finally come true! In fact, there are two good things that are happening today, so you can say that it's DOUBLE HAPPINESS!

First of all is an official announcement: My new and unique perfume comes out today. Really, I feel very honored because it's the first time an Asian star has released a perfume line, and i's now on sale throughout Asia! When I was young, I honestly had the dream to be able to concoct my own special perfume fragrance, and a few months ago I met with vendors and, after tests and final adjustments, I selected my favorite bottle design which I believe to be the most attractive for "KAREN MOK the Fragrance"! As for the design of the bottle, it uses lines like black fishnet leg stockings wrapping around the bottle. I made this request to the designers because I think the legs wrapped by a woman's stockings leaves deep impression and I hope everyone feels the same way. The fragrance also uses the color pink because I generally like the color and, of course, women love it! I hope you can give it a try, and please remember to leave a message here to let me know what you think after you use it. Oh! - If you are male, you can get this to avoid the headache of finding a gift for Valentine's! Hahahaha...

Also, as previously mentioned, the second piece of news is that my personal web site is launching today at the same time! Everyone go over and browse through it -- in addition to information about me and photos, I also have posted the latest news so if you would like to know more about me, be sure not to miss it! From over here, I really want to thank all of the fans who previously helped me with the web site -- you've really been a great help to me so my sincere thanks! I hope that, starting from today, using this new web site platform, we can get to all get closer together, so please come back and follow up with me and I will strive to keep the site up-to-date with new content. Really, I would like to thank you for your support!

You can find the new Karen Mok web site at the following address: http://karenmok.com.hk | 2008年 10月 9日真是讓我非常期待而且感到極度興奮的一天!因為我多年來的夢想在今天終於要成真了!特別是在於有兩件美好的事情都在今天發生,可以說是雙喜臨門呢!

首先,我現在正式宣佈,屬於我獨有的個人香水在今天終於誕生了!說真的,我是感到非常的榮幸,因為這是全球首位以亞洲名人為名的香水,並在全亞洲公開發售!我小時候真的幻想過由我自己來調製喜歡的香水味,幾個月前我跟廠商開會及試驗,最後調較出我最喜歡及我覺得最迷人的一瓶“ KAREN MOK the Fragrance”!甚至在瓶身的設計上,也採用了黑色漁網絲襪的線條包裹著瓶身,因為設計師說我的雙腿給大家都留下一個深刻的印象,所以沿用絲襪這個代表女人腿部的元素來作為標誌,希望讓大家有所聯想!香水的顏色也用了粉紅色,因為我想一般的女生都愛這個顏色吧!希望您們可以試試看,用後記得要留言給我,跟我分享你用後的心得哦!如果你是男生的話,送給情人的禮物也不用再傷腦筋了吧! hahahaha......



| 2008年10月9日真是让我非常期待而且感到极度兴奋的一天!因为我多年来的梦想在今天终于要成真了!特别是在于有两件美好的事情都在今天发生,可以说是双喜临门呢!

首先,我现在正式宣布,属于我独有的个人香水在今天终于诞生了!说真的,我是感到非常的荣幸,因为这是全球首位以亚洲名人为名的香水,并在全亚洲公开发售!我小时候真的幻想过由我自己来调制喜欢的香水味,几个月前我跟厂商开会及试验,最后调较出我最喜欢及我觉得最迷人的一瓶“KAREN MOK the Fragrance”!甚至在瓶身的设计上,也采用了黑色渔网丝袜的线条包裹着瓶身,因为设计师说我的双腿给大家都留下一个深刻的印象,所以沿用丝袜这个代表女人腿部的元素来作为标志,希望让大家有所联想!香水的颜色也用了粉红色,因为我想一般的女生都爱这个颜色吧!希望您们可以试试看,用后记得要留言给我,跟我分享你用后的心得哦!如果你是男生的话,送给情人的礼物也不用再伤脑筋了吧! hahahaha......



16 年多 前 0 赞s  49 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
awesome Karen! Great new site! Too bad I can't smell the perfume via the internet! :-P
16 年多 ago
Photo 37580
Congrats on the site launch and the perfume launch. That's really cool.
16 年多 ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
Congrats!.. what are the notes of this fragrance???love the MOK logo...looks like a cat... fits with the fishnet idea..Welcome to the site!
16 年多 ago
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
16 年多 ago
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
16 年多 ago
Photo 31454
welcome! u have a very cute innocent look :P
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong
September 4, 2008