早上起來便回武館操練。日日練功身體好!大家也努力!Starting my morning with some kicks and spins ? https://t.co/YdvlIA7Oz1
I chose to hike up to the Peak for my lunch meeting instead of driving today! Great work out before work and I finished the whole pizza to regain my energy to walk back down from the Peak! 今日上山頂開會,我無揸車,選擇咗行上山??順便做埋健身???先去Cafe Deco lunch meeting ??消耗咗咁多卡路里,午餐當然食番多啲先有力量行返落山!所以我食曬成個薄餅???
Practice makes perfect! Strength and pole training night with coach Jady @ Pole Divas HK
Just received my motorbike license(manual)! Looking for a cool bike now! Any suggestions? 電單車棍波牌到手了!買邊款電單車好呢?有什麼提議啊? https://t.co/cV6QhtupG0
Just received my motor bike license(manual) ! Looking for a cool bike now! Any suggestions? 電單車棍波牌到手了!買邊款電單車好呢?有什麼提議啊?
My weight 50KG, 25.1KG skeleton muscle mass, 10% fat, only 5.2KG fat in my body! ?? https://t.co/aWZUqhEPyO
我的脂肪比例是10% 體重50KG, 25.1KG 是肌肉, 5.2KG 是脂肪 ? 即一半體重是來自肌肉??肌肉多,新陳代謝率同抵抗力都會高,所以成日肚餓,食極都唔飽,又唔易生病!??大家可以叫我肌肉妹 ? I have been eating like a pig and exercising like a greyhound lately, here is my InBody test result! It's actually a surprisingly good result! My weight 50KG, 25.1KG skeleton muscle mass, 10% fat, only 5.2KG fat in my body! Once again, if you exercise a lot, with a high muscle mass you will have a higher metabolism rate. You really can eat a lot without gaining fat?
All my arms, legs and trunk muscle % is over normal?? #InBody #fit
JuJu Chan (陳鈺芸) Actress, Action Star, Pop Singer, Author, Hong Kong Taekwondo (ITF) Representative, Signature: double nunchucks