我的脂肪比例是10% 體重50KG, 25.1KG 是肌肉, 5.2KG 是脂肪 ? 即一半體重是來自肌肉??肌肉多,新陳代謝率同抵抗力都會高,所以成日肚餓,食極都唔飽,又唔易生病!??大家可以叫我肌肉妹 ? I have been eating like a pig and exercising like a greyhound lately, here is my InBody test result! It's actually a surprisingly good result! My weight 50KG, 25.1KG skeleton muscle mass, 10% fat, only 5.2KG fat in my body! Once again, if you exercise a lot, with a high muscle mass you will have a higher metabolism rate. You really can eat a lot without gaining fat?
All my arms, legs and trunk muscle % is over normal?? #InBody #fit
JuJu Chan (陳鈺芸) Actress, Action Star, Pop Singer, Author, Hong Kong Taekwondo (ITF) Representative, Signature: double nunchucks